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Sunday, May 17, 2009


Krisis global yang akhir-akhir ini melanda beberapa negara telah menyebabkan PHK meningkat. Termasuk di Indonesia. Walaupun krisis global tidak terlalu berdampak terhadap dunia bisnis di Indonesia, namun gejala pemutusan hubungan kerja sudah terjadi. Apabila PHK terjadi, jangan terlalu berkecil hati. Banyak jalan menuju ROMA. Asal ada kemauan pasti ada jalan. Banyak orang sukses yang muncul setelah mereka mengalami kegagalan demi kegagalan dan keterpurukan. Kegagalan dan keterpurukan membuat seseorang untuk kreatif dan mengambil keputusan dengan cepat sehingga menemukan ide-ide dan penemuan baru. Jadi jangan putus asa, tapi harus kreatif.
Banyak usaha modal kecil yang dapat dijadikan usaha sambilan. Salah satunya adalah bisnis pulsa. Bisnis pulsa adalah bisnis murah dan menguntungkan. Bagaimana tidak? Dengan jumlah pemakai HP yang sudah puluhan juta menjadikan bisnis pulsa potensial untuk digarap. Bisnis pulsa itu ibarat bisnis warung nasi, karena seperti halnya nasi, pulsa sudah menjadi kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Saat ini ada dua jenis pemasaran pulsa, yaitu konvensional dan modern. Pemasaran secara konvensional, pulsa dijual di counter-counter. Pemasaran jenis ini, calon pembeli yang mendatangi counter-counter. Calon pembeli menjadi terbatas. Sedangkan pemasaran secara modern, pulsa dijual menggunakan sistem 'multi level marketing' yang mana pembeli adalah penjual juga. Jadi sekarang sudah tidak asing dan aneh lagi kalau teman kita di tempat kerja, di sekolah, dan di banyak tempat sosial lainnya adalah penjual pulsa. Beberapa tahun ke depan, mungkin counter-counter pulsa akan sepi.
Dengan sistem multi level marketing, keuntungan tidak hanya di dapat dari selisih harga, tapi juga dari bonus pertransaksi. Jika anda bergabung dengan m-pulsa, maka anda akan dapat bonus pertransaksi Rp.100 untuk level 1, Rp.50 untuk level 2, dan Rp.25 untuk level 3. Semakin banyak transaksi anggota di bawah anda, semakin banyak pula bonus yang akan di dapat.
Ilustrasi Keuntungan
Level 1 Bulan ke -I
Jika anda Berorientasi pada 1 Agen setiap hari nya selama 1 Bulan Anda akan memperoleh 30 Agen
Maka perhitungan nya sebagai berikut :
30 hari x 30 Agen x Rp.100 = Rp.90.000,-
jadi Bonus yang anda peroleh dalam 1 Bulan sebesar Rp.90.000,-
bonus tersebut anda dapatkan jika anda memperoleh 1 agen dalam dalam sehari dan masing-masing Agen bertransaksi 1trx/hari
Level 1 Bulan ke -II dan Bulan ke-3
30hr x 30 Agen x Rp.200 = Rp.180.000,-
Bulan ke-3
30hr x 30 Agen x Rp.300 = Rp.270.000,-

Perhitungan ini akan anda dapatkan jika anda meneruskan kebiasaan anda untuk mendapatkan 1 Agen setiap harinya selama 1 bulan Sehingga Agen anda bertambah 30 Agen pada bulan ke-2 maka anda berhak mendapatkan Bonus sebesar Rp.180.000,- Begitu pula pada bulan ke-3 anda akan mendapatkan bonus sebesar Rp.270.000,- jika anda terus menjalankan kebiasaan bagus ini yaitu 1 agen setiap hari.

Level 2 Bulan ke-II dan Bulan ke-3
30hr x 900 Agen x Rp50 = Rp. 1.350.000,-
Bulan ke-3
(30hr x 1800 x Rp.50) = Rp.2.700.000,-

Teruslah lakukan kebiasaan baik ini dan edukasikan pada masing-masing agen anda untuk mendapatkan 1 Agen setiap harinya Selama 1 Bulan. Jadi, jika masing- masing Agen anda Berhasil mendapatkan 1 agen tiap harinya maka 30 Agen x 30 Agen Baru = 900 Agen. sehingga selama 30 hari tersebut akan di kalikan dengan Rp 50,- menjadi = Rp 1.350.000,-

Begitu pula pada bulan ke-3 agen-agen anda tetap melakukan hal yang sama dengan mendapatkan 1 Agen setiap harinya maka dari 900 Agen x 2 = 1800 Agen, 1800 Agen tsb selama 30 hari melakukan trx dan di kalikan bonus level Rp.50,- menjadi =Rp.2.700.00,- jadi total bonus yang anda dapatkan Sebesar Rp.2.700.000,-

Level 3 Pada bulan ke-3
30hr x 27000 Agen x Rp25,- = Rp.20.250.000,-
Jangan lupa mengingatkan pada Agen-agen anda untuk melakuakn kebiasaan baik seperti anda dan agen Level 2 anda lakukan untuk mengedukasi Rekan-rekan nya agar mendapatkan masing- masing 1 Agen setiap harinya Sehingga agen Anda bertambah menjadi 27.000 Agen dan setiap agen bertransaksi 1trx/hari selama 30 hari dan dikalikan dengan Bonus trx level ke-3 yaitu Rp.25,- sehingga pendapatan anda menjadi Rp.20.250.000,-

Jadi dalam 3 Bulan anda Telah berhasil mendapatkan Bonus Sebesar Rp.23.220.000,-

Putuskan sekarang juga untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Jika anda tunda, mungkin sahabat terdekat anda sudah bergabung menjadi member m-pulsa. Jadi kalau anda ingin bergabung segera kirim nama anda, kota anda, no hp, nama bank ke 02199058964/081316290170. Biaya pendaftaran hanya Rp.25000 (sudah termasuk deposit pulsa 20ribu). Biaya pendaftaran dapat di transfer melalui BCA no. Rek.8680614548. Setelah transfer, segera kirim sms konfirmasi ke 02199058964/081316290170. Segera bergabung!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Challenges Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language

Author: ajay

There are two different kinds of languages. Your first language or native language is the language you are born into. This is the language your parents or family speak. This is the earliest language you learn. This language is acquired through life experiences. The second kind of language is called a second language or a foreign language. This language is typically learnt in the classroom from a teacher. There are some crucial differences between these two types of languages. The first language is learnt unconsciously. Therefore, it is imbibed at a very early age. There is no need to apply yourself consciously to attain the rudiments of this language. However, the second language is the result of a conscious learning process. It does not come naturally. This explains why almost all people face some amount of difficulty while they handle a foreign language. Of course, they may perfect the foreign language in due course. But, this requires some amount of hard work. Understanding the difference between these two types of language is important to anyone who wants to learn a foreign language or teach a language that is foreign to students. As far as foreign students of English are concerned, there are several difficulties. So, teachers of English do face some tough challenges when they teach English as a foreign language. The first of these is pronunciation. English has certain characteristics in pronunciation that is absent in other languages. Examples are the aspirated ‘P’ that comes in words like ‘Pen’, the way ‘th’ is pronounced with a friction or the difference in the pronunciation between ‘V’ and ‘W’. Native speakers of the language do not need to think about these features. But when you teach English as a foreign language, teachers have to explain and teach these minute differences to their students. Keep in mind that most of the students who take up English as a foreign language are adults with well defined language habits that make it difficult for them to accept these differences completely. Another difficulty teachers often face when they teach English as a second language is grammar. For non-native speakers of the language, some aspects of English grammar are hard to decipher. This is true of any language that is imbibed as a second or third language. Grammar is always the tricky part. Many people cannot make out the difference between some of the tenses in English, simply because these may not exist in their own languages. One of the biggest challenges faced by people who teach English as a second language is to make their students ‘think’ in English. Most non-native speakers make mistakes in English because they automatically think in their native language and translate the thought into English. Thus, they make use of usages that are non-existent in native English. When a student learns to think in the second language, it can be said that he or she has acquired the highest degree of proficiency in that language. People who take up teaching English as their career must appreciate the difficulties students from other countries face when they come to learn English. This understanding helps them teach their students more effectively and makes the entire process of teaching a rewarding and fulfilling job.

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About the Author:
International TESOL Teacher Training offers TESOL training programs for teaching english as a foreign language .

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



“Tantangan dari kepemimpinan adalah menjadi kuat, tetapi tidak kasar; baik, tetapi tidak lembek; berani, tetapi tidak menggertak; penuh pertimbangan, tetapi tidak malas; rendah hati tetapi tidak takut-takut; bangga, tetapi tidak arogan; mempunyai rasa humor, tetapi bukannya tolol.”
__Jim Rohn, pengarang dan pelaku bisnis

“Anda mungkin mempunyai ide cemerlang, tetapi bila Anda tidak dapat menyampaikannya kepada orang lain, ide Anda tidak akan membawa Anda ke mana pun.”
__Lee Iacocca

“… rasa humor dapat banyak membantu – terutama rasa humor mengenai (diri sendiri). William Howard Taft bergurau mengenai kegemukannya sendiri dan orang menyukainya… Lincoln meredakan saat-saat menegangkan dengan cerita lucu, dan sering menggunakan dirinya sebagai bahan – dan sejarah menghargainya untuk sifat kemanusian ini. Rasa humor merupakan bagian dari seni kepemimpinan, untuk bergaul dengan orang lain, untuk menyelesaikan tugas.”
__Dwight D. Eisenhower, presiden A.S. tahun 1953-1961

“Saya percaya mengelola dapat dianalogikan dengan memegang seekor merpati di tangan Anda. Bila Anda memegangnya terlalu kencang Anda akan membunuhnya, tetapi bila Anda memegangnya terlalu longgar, merpati itu akan terbang.”
__Tommy Lasorda, pelatih bisbol legendaries.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Berikan Aku Judul

Malam merambat pelan, seperti enggan berganti pagi. Namun, cahaya begitu benderang. Bulan sedang purnama. Bintang-bintang bertaburan, cahayanya berpendaran. Malam begitu indah. Namun, tampaknya tidak seindah hati wisnu. Sudah sejam laki-laki itu memandang lautan dari jendela apartemennya, sambil sesekali menghisap Monte Cristo, cerutu kegemarannya yang buatan Kuba. Cerutu tersebut pemberian Arsih. Arsih membeli cerutu tersebut di terminal ‘D’ kedatangan Bandara Soekarno Hatta dua minggu yang lalu sekembalinya dari negeri Paman Sam.

Lautan seperti tak bertepi, begitu luas. Ia hanya melihat deburan-deburan ombak yang begitu liar menghantam batu-batu karang. Tingkah polah lautan dengan ombaknya yang liar seperti menggambarkan suasana hatinya yang saat ini sedang berkecamuk, tidak menentu.

Keputusan yang tak terduga baru saja diterimanya dari Arsih - perempuan cantik berhidung mancung dan berkulit sawo matang yang sudah dua tahun menjadi kekasihnya. Perempuan itu – sepulangnya dari singapura setelah satu bulan menetap di negeri singa tersebut untuk suatu urusan bisnis – memutuskan hubungan kasihnya begitu saja.

Wisnu sama sekali tidak mengerti. (Bersambung)

Salary Range For Teachers

Author: Erik John

Teachers’ salaries are determined by the geographic location in which they work, the level of education in which they reached, and their seniority. The salary range for teachers in public schools throughout the United States was approximately $51,000 in 2007. The average salary range for teachers at the higher range of the spectrum (basically those with the most experience) is $73,350. Experienced private school teachers typically make an estimated $10,000 less than those in public schools. The economic problems that have been occurring throughout the past couple of years have caused many industries to cut back on raises have not affected teachers. With an average 4.5 increase in their salary, the teaching industry is seeing the highest rise than they have the past 15 years. The New Teachers’ Salary Range The average salary range for teachers new in the field, working in public schools, with a Bachelor’s degree is approximately $35,000 for the 2006-07 school year. This amount is 6.2 percent higher than the 2005-06 school year. Private school teachers begin at around $29,000 a year. The outlook for the increases in public education to continue is extremely positive. In the next ten years, due to the growing population and experienced teachers reaching retirement it is predicted that there will be approximately a half a million positions available. Increasing a Teacher’s Salary The average teacher’s salary range is not just based on the new teacher and the experienced teacher with years of experience. Geographic location places a significant role in the amount of money a teacher makes. The more rural an area, the less the average salary for a teacher is. The more urban the higher the salary becomes. Teachers in the South tend to make less than those in the North, just like with most professions. If cost of living is lower in the area, the salary range is lower. Outside of the uncontrollable difference in salaries based upon geographic locations, a teacher with more education is definitely in a better position to be in a higher salary range. Teachers with their Master’s degree get paid, on average, over $6,000 more a year than those with just a Bachelor’s. Another 30 education credits could earn a teacher another $2,000 a year. After teaching for 25 years, a teacher with this education could be making in the salary range of $80,000. Opportunities of Advancement The average salary range for teachers does not include the opportunities that lie ahead if a teacher wants to advance his/her career. Becoming an administrator in a school increases average salaries significantly. Becoming a principal gives a teacher the opportunity to have an average salary of almost $80,000. Becoming a vice- principal or assistant principal allows the teacher to increase the average salary he/she can make to over $65,000. The level of school can increase the amount. High school principals make more than middle school principals; middle school principals make more than elementary school principals. Other Ways to Increase a Teacher’s Salary There are several extra-curricular activities teachers may lead or coach to supplement their income. Coaching athletics is a popular way many teachers earn more money, as well as connect with their students. Other activities include, but are not limited to, becoming an advisor for after school clubs, helping with tutoring programs, teaching summer school, and becoming a new teacher mentor.

Article Source:

About the Author:
To know more about Education Majors and Salary Range for Teachers and there requirements visit for more details.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Menurut Safir Senduk, seorang perencana keuangan, mengelola keuangan keluarga gampang-gampang susah. Gampang kalau pendapatan kita tak terbatas dan susah kalau untuk hidup sehari-hari saja rasanya kurang. Lepas dari gampang atau susah, keuangan keluarga harus dikelola dengan benar, kalau tidak mau terjebak dalam pelbagai kesulitan. Terlebih di masa-masa sulit seperti ini. (dikutip dari INTISARI edisi khusus, Family Financial Planning)

Ya, kita semua termasuk anda harus pintar mengelola keuangan keluarga. Apalagi pada situasi sulit seperti ini dimana harga-harga kebutuhan pokok semakin meningkat dan pendapatan/gaji tidak mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan.

Anda tentu pernah membaca berita-berita seperti ini:

“Ketua Umum Asosiasi Industri Minyak Makan Indonesia Adiwisoko Kasman mengatakan, harga minyak goreng dari pabrik atau produsen pecan ini Rp.12.000 per KG.
Namun di pasar Secang, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah, harga minyak goreng curah, selasa, mencapai Rp.16.000 per Kg.
Di Jakarta sehari sebelumnya harga minyak goreng Rp.13.000 per Kg, kini Rp.14.000 per Kg di tingkat konsumen. Di Banten harga minyak goreng bahkan sudah Rp.15.000 per Kg. Tingginya harga juga terjadi di Jawa Barat. Sementara itu, di Palembang sudah lima hari pasokan tersendat. (Kompas, 5 Maret 2008. Hal.15)”

“Perajin tahu terpukul, harga minyak kelapa ikut naik menjadi Rp.16.000 per Kg. (Sumedang, Kompas, 6 Maret 2008. Hal.22)”

“7.250 penjual mi pailit, harga tepung terigu dan minyak goreng tidak terkendali. (Jakarta, Kompas, 6 Maret 2008, hal.25)”

“Lonjakan harga, pedagang mi ayam pun terpaksa ‘ngutang’ dulu” (Kompas, 10 Maret 2008)

“Melonjaknya harga minyak goreng membuat produsen kerupuk rumahan di Serang, Banten, mulai terpuruk dan terlilit utang. Mereka terpaksa mengambil bahan baku dengan cara berutang karena kehabisan modal. Sementara itu ibu rumah tangga bingung menyiasati minyak goreng.”(Jakarta, Kompas, 10 Maret 2008. Hal.26)

Potongan-potongan berita tersebut menjadi bukti bahwa harga-harga kebutuhan pokok mengalami kenaikan.

Mau bilang apa?
Harga-harga kebutuhan pokok memang naik!
Dan mau bilang apa lagi, kalau pendapatan/gaji tidak mengalami kenaikan yang berarti!

Maka dari itu, kita termasuk anda harus pintar mengelola keuangan keluarga.
Safir Senduk dalam tulisannya “Jadikan Uang Bekerja Untuk Kita” (Intisari Edisi Khusus, Family Financial Planning. Hal.8-9) mengatakan bahwa kita, termasuk anda harus hemat, tapi jangan pelit. Harus dibedakan antara hemat yang pelit, dengan hemat yang kreatif. Hemat pelit misalnya hemat yang dilakukan dengan cara memaksa, tidak masuk akal. Sebagai contoh; seseorang tinggal sekitar 10 km dari rumah ke kantornya. Hanya karena ingin hemat, dia berjalan kaki. Padahal dia punya uang untuk membayar ongkos transportasi umum. Jadi, pengertian hemat harus diluruskan : Hemat bukan berarti pelit, tapi kreatif!

Kita, termasuk anda harus merinci pos-pos pengeluaran setiap bulannya. Safir Senduk menyarankan untuk mengelompokkan pengeluaran menjadi empat pos (1) Pos pengeluaran biaya hidup, (2) Pos pengeluaran yang berkaitan dengan pembayaran cicilan utang, (3) Pos pengeluaran yang berkaitan dengan premi asuransi, (4) Pos pengeluaran yang berkaitan dengan setoran tabungan.

Dari keempat pos tersebut lakukan skala prioritas. Safir Senduk menyarankan, pertama, prioritaskan pembayaran cicilan utang. Kedua, setoran tabungan. Ketiga, premi asuransi. Keempat, biaya hidup.

Saran-saran tersebut adalah salah satu cara untuk mengelola keuangan keluarga. Intinya lakukanlah skala prioritas dan menabunglah di awal bulan!

Menurut Ahmad Gozali, seorang konsultan keuangan di Jakarta, dengan bertambahnya pengeluaran, berarti terjadi ketidakseimbangan. Kalau ketidakseimbangan terjadi, rumus menghadapinya yaitu mengurangi pengeluaran atau menambah pemasukan.

Ya, kurangi pengeluaran, supaya pengeluaran lebih kecil dari penghasilan agar tidak terjadi defisit. Kalau sulit, tambah penghasilan!

Bagaimana caranya?

Pertama, lakukan investasi.
Tabungan, deposito, valas, reksadana termasuk jenis-jenis investasi. Pelajarilah sebelum berinvestasi.

Kedua, jadikan hobby sebagai lading untuk menambah pemasukan.
Kalau hobi anda adalah menulis. Buatlah sebanyak mungkin tulisan dan kirimkan ke media massa atau buatlah buku. Kalau anda ingin bisa menulis dan membuat buku, klik

Ketiga, wirausaha.
Sebagai contoh: manfaatkan HP anda untuk berjualan pulsa elektrik. Apabila anda berminat, klik saja

Keempat. Browse internet.
Di internet banyak sekali info untuk menambah penghasilan tanpa harus keluar modal banyak. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan membuat blog dan blog tersebut didaftarkan ke google adsense. Yang paling mudah adalah dengan ikut program afiliasi. Klik saja

Selamat mencoba! Semoga berhasil!


Ujian nasional 2009 sebentar lagi. Rasanya hampir setiap hari ada saja rambut yang rontok. Sebagai guru yang mengajar salah satu mata pelajaran yang diujiannasionalkan, beban berat terasa sekali terpikul di pundak. Kelulusan setiap siswa menjadi target yang harus dicapai. Dalam mengajar, terkadang sering marah terhadap anak-anak. Apalagi terhadap anak-anak yang belajar di rumahnya malas. Wah…bisa marah banget! Tapi terkadang anak-anak memang tidak mengerti, bahwa sebenarnya mereka harus mempersiapkan ‘senjata’ sebelum tempur menghadapi ujian nasional.

Ujian nasional memang diperlukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa, tetapi seharusnya tidak dijadikan sebagai penentu kelulusan. Tapi apa mau dikata, ini adalah program pemerintah yang harus dilaksanakan. Maka, proses pembelajaran menjadi seperti di bimbel yang setiap hari berkutat pada penyelesaian soal-soal. Mudah-mudahan saja anak-anak yang saya bombing lulus semua!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Tahun 2009 memang tahun yang bisa membuat para pegawai negeri sipil tersenyum. Kenapa tidak? Gaji PNS tahun ini naik 15 % sesuai dengan PP No 8 tahun 2009 yang sudah ditandatangani oleh Presiden SBY. seperti tertuang dalam peraturan tersebut, gaji terendah PNS adalah Rp.1,040 Juta. Apalagi PNS yang berstatus guru, mungkin gajinya lebih besar lagi. Sesuai dengan janji Presiden, gaji guru golongan terendah minimal 2 juta. berarti PNS harus meningkatkan kinerjanya nih.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Visualization- an Essential Method for Teaching Modern Languages

Author: Viorica Demici

In order to make a language class successful one has to try to match its content with various methods aiming to make studying exciting and engaging. The usage of modern technological equipment ought to be taken in consideration when preparing teaching materials for a language course. Needless to say, one has to always keep in mind the following objectives when teaching a language class: develop the intellectual potential of the student raise his/her interest towards the culture and the civilization of the country whose language one teaches teach the student to decrypt the texts written in a foreign language provide the student with procedures, means and methods that would make him/her be able to communicate orally and in writing with a native speaker
The last objective can be reached by using CDs, where voices of native speakers are recorded. It can be a vocabulary class, when a bingo game is used to have the student match the picture with the name pronounced by the virtual teacher; a grammar exercise where the sentence is built as a puzzle; or a movie with subtitles that help the student at the beginning level to better understand the language pronunciation. This visualization tool helps students with both visual and non-visual minds.
When teaching a language course using CDs, the teacher can easily find out that the students are more prone to join debates and discussions at the end of each activity. They try to recall what they just studied and often attempt to mimic the models observed on the CDs with other peers. In the process they often try to use the same pronunciation and imitate the voice. As a result, one can notice that individual and collective thinking become more developed. Consequently, one third of the work is done by the student itself. The student becomes not only a recipient of information, but also an active member of the group. He or she becomes his or her own co-participant of the studying process.
Here, one should also talk about the so-called programmed instruction, which is performed independently by the student, under the teacher’s supervision. The work in video and audio laboratories is a perfect example. The student progresses in his/her own rhythm. He/she establishes his/her own objectives and reaches them in his/her own way. In case there are not enough computers, team work is useful. Moreover, when this is a movie that needs to be discussed at the end, the group or several small groups can be made up to achieve the objectives. In these cases the teacher is required to have a rich imagination and flexibility.
An article of the Romanian magazine “Computer World” argues that the benefits of computerized education are real: “We don’t have to ask ourselves if the teaching process gets better by means of computerized language methods utilization,” it claims. “It is obvious that the methods of teaching are unconquerable: interactivity, operational precision, capacity to offer multiple and dynamic representations of different phenomenon. Also, there is a constant interaction with every student.”
G. de Landshere, a famous methodology expert, has been always pointing out that the educational process needs to be always intense and has to be inspired from the cognitive psychology. He has been striking the importance of suppression of the routine methods by the modern techniques. Speaking of this, it is opportune to affirm that the CDs ensure the active construction of the knowledge, significant contexts for learning, promoting reflection, absolving the student from routine activities, stimulating his intellectual activity.
Modern pedagogy has to research the experience of the European and American professionals and try to understand why the new methods of teaching modern languages using the software had such a great success there. The foreign languages professors struggle to study the educational system by formulating new problems that might appear at the social horizon and they consider this as their important mission to experimentally verify and prepare solutions for the moment when society reaches that horizon.
What are the chances that this method has the same success here? The chances can be estimated only if the method is implemented in the core-curriculum of the specific classes. The method has been used in a case study with groups of medical student form the University of Medicine and Pharmacy. The outcome was plausible. Students got more interested in the class, they shared their experience with the colleague from the other faculties, and they asked me to keep using this method in the next modules. The use of informatics tools and the use of the visualization in the modern languages courses is the horizon of today’s historical moment. There is an idea, entirely accepted by the specialists, that the educational soft is classified accordingly to the specific pedagogical function to have in the instruction process: exercise, interactive presentation of knowledge, simulation of models and phenomenon, testing the abilities, relaxation during the educational process due to game activities.
The studies made on the international lever lead to different important conclusions:
the memorization time is reduced, the material is so interesting that the memorization happens in a shorter delay of time
the attitude towards computer based education gets positively changed
computer based education is more efficient as complementary instruction rather than an alternative form
strategies base on the computer education are good enough for the elementary level of education as well as for the advanced one
Specialized shops exhibit a variety of CDs that make us study various conversational topics, new vocabulary, and dialogues, watch movies, and play games. And all this for one purpose: to easier and better speak a foreign language. The final result would be a diversification of the intellectual abilities, gathering of a new reserve of words. The software presents images, songs, game animation, business discussions, shopping and restaurant conversation situations, as well as maps of the country whose language is to be studied. The maps are also sounded. Pushing the image of a city the soft makes you listen to the pronunciation of that very topographic name. These multimedia CDs are a treasure and a condition sine qua non of a more productive and efficient language learning.
To sum up, I would like to point out that we have to keep insisting on the inclusion of this modern method in the curricula and always struggle against the unjustified fear towards new communication technologies in order not to limit or stop the creative spirit of the professor and the student.

Viorica Demici, MA American Studies
Article Source:

About the Author:
Viorica Demici

5 Ways to Improve YOUR English without even Trying! for people who speak English as a second language

by: Kim Rogers

Learning a second language can be a very stressful and arduous task if you let it. Somehow, the words you learn in the books don't seem to apply very well to real life situations. Those small and seemingly un-important elements the show a person to be in command of not only the language, but the culture of the people who speak it cannot be adequately expressed by words on paper.

So, how do you learn these little secrets of mastering the ability to articulate yourself in another language?

Here are 5 proven techniques that will help you improve your English without even trying, if you are learning to speak English as a second language. Do they really work? Yes. I've tried them myself as I've had opportunity to live somewhere where English wasn't the primary language. I found it to be a fun, exciting, and painless way to learn both the language and the culture. The culture is simply learning the way the natives express their own words. The genuine accent, facial expressions, hand gestures, sighs, moans, groans, laughter, smirks, and other things that go along with everyday conversation.

Regardless of how extensive or not your vocabulary is, if you master the ability to "sound" like you know the language and can speak it, people will be more than generous to assist you.

1. Watch Movies!

Watching movies is always a fun thing to do. In order to get the most out of your movie watching experience, if your vocabulary is limited, watch a movie in English that you are very familiar with in your own language so you always know what's going on. Try not to translate as you go because you lose blocks of conversation this way. Instead, watch the picture and listen. Hear all the words, but determine what's going on by the pictures you see and the words you're hearing that you already know. Believe it or not, other words will sink in too, and so will the accent and everything else that went with what you saw and heard.

As your vocabulary grows, expand your movie selections to other movies you'd like to see but are only available in English. Try to be able to see the film more than once if possible.

According to the location and type of film you intend to view, you will be able to experience different accents, and other cultural expressions of the English language. Pick and choose the things that you think will suit you best. If it doesn't work out, pick and try something else! Have fun with yourself and your efforts.

2. Watch Soap Operas

The place where extreme expression and limited vocabulary meet! This is such a fascinating way to learn a foreign language. Every accessory that goes with the expression of a word is demonstrated on a soap opera. "Outrage" expressed with a word, facial expression or two, and perhaps even a subsequent face slap, all of that being understandable in any language. "Love", another universal subject, or violence, good versus evil can all be discerned quickly and easily on a soap opera. Plus, soap operas are naturally designed to allow anyone just tuning in to pick up the story quickly. The characters are easily loveable and deliciously "hate-able" so you turn to it again and again to see what's going on, and not only improve your English each time, but reinforce what you've already learned.

3. Read the Comics/Funny Papers

Very non-stressful! Pictures with words, or words with pictures, however you want to look at it, it's a great way to learn! For each thought presented there are words that match a picture, and vice versa. It doesn't matter if you read comic books, or the comics in the Sunday newspaper, read whatever will make you laugh and cause you to enjoy learning at the same time.

4. Read Children's books

If you know any little kids between the ages of 5-8, try reading one of their books to them. Usually little kids know their favorite books by heart, so if you stumble a little, they'll be able to help you.

If you enjoy this method of improving your English, and you find yourself to be pretty good at it, then try reading a few Dr. Seuss books. The rhyming will challenge you, but once you master it, your pronunciation of English, and your delivery will have been considerably refined and improved.

5. Take a service job like waiter or waitress; bartender, or sales person.

This type of job can be done if you have a decent vocabulary of verbs, and know how to say "I, we, she, he, they", etc. The only other thing necessary is a working vocabulary of things relevant to your specific tasks and goals.

For example, as a breakfast waitress, you want to be able to ask if they want their eggs, "scrambled or fried", if they want "more coffee", if everything is "alright", do they want "anything else", and the total of their bill in their own language!

If you sell real estate, you'll want to incorporate words like "mortgage, loan, co-sign, 30 year fixed", etc.

If you sell shoes, you need words like "how does that feel", are they "too tight, too loose, to short in the toe, to big", etc.

The longer you work at your job, the more your working vocabulary will improve.

6. Learn these two sentences and you'll be set for life . . . seriously!

"How do you say (blank)", in English (Spanish, French, etc.), and "What is that called?" (Point if you have to, and smile too). Smiling is a universal language. Once I learned how to ask these two questions, I was on my way to being conversant in the language of my choice!

I could use my limited vocabulary to ask the question and then when I got my answer I would repeat it a few times to make sure I was saying it correctly, and "BAM" I had a new vocabulary word. And, because I asked my question to the best of my ability in the native tongue, the natives realized my sincere desire to learn, and helped me!

7. What happens if you make a mistake?

Nothing. The world won't come to an end, and you haven't embarrassed yourself to the point where you can't show your face again. Just apologize if that's what's called for, or laugh at yourself, make the correction, and count it as a learning experience.

Once I was in a restaurant and I wanted to ask the waiter for a "to go" box, however, I was speaking to my kids in English, and trying to think of what I wanted to ask for in Spanish, and I promptly and incorrectly asked him for a "house to go". He looked at me kind of funny, but he was very courteous, and didn't laugh until I laughed.

I've committed other language faux pas as well over the years, all of which have been a learning experience, and if given enough time, will become a humorous story as well.

About The Author

Kim Rogers has lived and worked in the Caribbean, Denmark, and along the Mexican Border. Kim has developed 101 Words that will make You Sound Smarter Right Away! To read more got to

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Ujian Nasional SMK mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris berjumlah 50 pertanyaan, terdiri dari Listening dan Reading. Listening berjumlah 15 soal, terdiri dari 4 bagian yaitu, Picture, Question-Response, Short Conversation, dan Short Conversation. Untuk menjawab soal-soal tersebut dengan baik dan benar, menurut buku ’30 Days to The TOIEC Test’, ada beberapa tips yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu :

1. Memahami Gambar
a. Perhatikan kata-kata yang mendapat tekanan.
b. Kata kata yang mendapat tekanan biasanya penting!
c. Perhatikan gambar sebelum mendengarkan 4 pernyataan.
d. Biasakan mendengar authentic speech.
e. Berlatihlah untuk mendeskripsikan sebuah gambar.
f. Dengarkan dengan teliti setiap pernyataan tentang gambar
g. Dengarkan semua pilihan jawaban.

2. Memahami Question-Response
a. Fokus pada tujuan pertanyaan
b. Fokus pada Question Words

3. Memahami Short Conversation
a. Baca pertanyaan lebih dulu
b. Bayangkan setting percakapan dan dengarkan siapa yang bicara.
c. Sebelum menjawab, lihat semua pilihan jawaban.
d. Pahami tujuan pertanyaan.

4. Memahami Short Talks
a. Baca pertanyaan terlebih dahulu.
b. Jangan khawatir apabila tidak mengerti setiap kata dalam dialog.
c. Dengarkan semua dialog sebelum menjawab soal.
d. Perhatikan dengan serius pada bagian introduction dan bagian pertama dialog.

Yang tak kalah penting adalah untuk sesering mungkin mendengar kata-kata bahasa Inggris. Selamat mencoba. Good luck!

Friday, January 23, 2009


“Empat Dosen IAIN Ambon Mengamuk. (Kompas, 23 Januari 2009).
Empat dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ambon, Maluku, Kamis (22/1), mengamuk dan mengancam hendak membunuh rector. Mereka juga merusak pintu ruangan rector menggunakan parang serta memecahkan kaca pintu. Insiden ini diduga dipicu oleh ketidakpuasan keempat dosen itu terhadap surat keputusan rector tentang penetapan anggota senat yang akan memilih dekan fakultas tarbiyah IAIN Ambon. Pembantu Rektor I IAIN Ambon Hasboullah Toisuta hari kamis petang menjelaskan, peristiwa terjadi sekitar pukul 11.15 WIT. Saat kejadian itu, Rektor IAIN Ambon Prof. Dedi Jubaedi tidak ada dikantornya. Dalam insiden ini tidak ada korban jiwa dan luka-luka. (ANG)”

Membaca berita tersebut di harian Kompas, rasanya hati menjadi miris dan sedih : berpendidikan dan beragama, koq samapi melakukan hal seperti itu. Bagaimana mahasiswa-mahasiswinya kelak? Apakah keempat dosen tersebut belum lulus sekolah? Kalau belum lulus, kenapa bias jadi dosen?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ujian Nasional 2009

Tak terasa, ujian nasional 2009 sudah semakin dekat. Hanya hitungan hari. Kalau tidak ada aral melintang, perhelatan akbar ujian nasional akan dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2009. Berdasarkan Lampiran Keputusan Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan Nomor 1513/bsnp/XII/2008 tentang Prosedur Operasi Standar (POS) Ujian Nasional (UN) SMP, MTs, SMPLB, SMALB, dan SMK Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009, jadwal pelaksanaan UN sebagai berikut :

a. SMP, MTs, dan SMPLB

Hari dan Tanggal Jam Mata Pelajaran
UN Utama: Senin, 27 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 Bahasa Indonesia
UN Susulan: Senin, 4 Mei 2009
UN Utama: Selasa, 28 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 Bahasa Inggris
UN Susulan: Selasa, 5 Mei 2009
UN Utama: Rabu, 29 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 Matematika
UN Susulan: Rabu, 6 Mei 2009
UN Utama: Kamis, 30 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 IPA
UN Susulan: Kamis, 7 Mei 2009

b. SMALB dan SMK

Hari dan Tanggal Jam Mata Pelajaran
UN Utama: Senin, 20 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 Bahasa Indonesia
UN Susulan: Senin, 27 April 2009
UN Utama: Selasa, 21 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 Bahasa Inggris
UN Susulan: Selasa, 28 April 2009
UN Utama: Rabu, 22 April 2009 08.00 – 10.00 Matematika
UN Susulan: Rabu, 29 April 2009

Menghadapi Ujian Nasional yang sudah semakin dekat, tentunya, banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan, antara lain:


Semua peserta Ujian Nasional harus menjaga kesehatan, supaya dapat mengikuti Ujian Nasional Utama. Banyak hal bias dilakukan untuk menjaga kesehatan, seperti: makan secara teratur, tidur dan istirahat yang cukup, dan melakukan ibadah sesuai agama yang dianutnya. Menurut saya, 3 hal tersebut sudah cukup untuk menjaga kesehatan.

b.Berlatih dengan soal soal lama.

Latihan mengerjakan soal-soal beberapa tahun sebelumnya dapat membantu peserta didik untuk menjawab soal-soal dengan baik dan benar. Untuk itu semua peserta didik harus memiliki bank soal. Bank-bank soal dapat didownload dari banyak sumber di internet.

Mungkin itu tips-tips yang bias saya berikan untuk menghadapi Ujian Nasional 2009. Semoga berhasil dan lulus semua.

Monday, January 5, 2009

4 Things Affiliate Marketers Need
by: Tabitha Palmer

Here's my response, along with some information on what it takes to be successful as an affiliate marketer and tips on how to make affiliate marketing work for you as an online home business. You may not think that having a home business provides as much security, but you won't get laid off and you won't be called back into the office, and you should almost always get along with the Boss. In my mind, all of this makes the idea of starting a home business all the more appealing. There are thousands of work at home jobs and home business opportunities on the Internet.

After a LOT of research, as well as plenty of trial and error, I have learned some very important things to look for in home businesses, work at home jobs, affiliate programs and all the other types of work at home business opportunities. My preferred niche is in affiliate marketing, this vs. traditional marketing is by far easier and more lucrative in the long run. You can build a higher residual and passive income this way. My opinion, of course, but try it out for yourself and see that I know what I am talking about.

Useful Tips

1) Starting a successful online business begins with research.

Look into every aspect of your business, Are you going to need inventory, storage, up front money? Websites, domains, and hosts are very important factors in research! The wrong web host and you are doomed from the beginning*. Write it all down so you can look back from time to time. Research your niche, by that I mean what kind of business would best suit you and your needs. What are you good at? Think about this question before you go any further and write down your answers so you can research them.

2) Websites, domains, and web hosts are crucial in your success.

Like I said above*, Most Internet businesses, that have a drive to succeed, focus all of their time and resources on building a great site, and then trying to drive tons of traffic to that site. I recommend staying away from Free web hosting for a business , Most free hosting has drawbacks such as they reserve the right to place ads of all kinds on your site, this looks very unprofessional and will make you lose business in the long run, so beware, free isn’t always good. Check out reviews on the host of your choice to make sure they have good credibility standards on the internet. I personally recommend Host 4 Profit as they have always had great customer service, and they, to my knowledge, are rarely if ever down like some hosts I’ve ran across in the past. Anyway, research this one immensely.

3) One of the biggest key factors in building a successful online business is traffic. Only after you have chosen the right name and host for your business should you move to this step. There are many Free ways to get traffic on the web; Articles, blogs, free advertising sites there are plenty of, traffic exchanges like Traffic Swarm, Traffic G, etc. Making sure you get enough backlinks to your site makes the Big difference. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN will not pick you up if they can’t find you. Make your website available to be found by getting your link on everything you can, but always staying within the rules of advertising, otherwise you do more damage than good to your business. If you have NO traffic, you have NO sales. No sales equals No Business. You see the effect here.

4) Perseverance, it’s not something you can find online it’s something you have to find within. I know you’re thinking now why did I put that in there. Perseverance is what you will need most when you start and try to maintain an affiliate marketing online business. When you work at home you get to set your own hours and granted you can even work while still in your PJ’s but at home there are constant distractions to stop you from staying on task. Someone will stop by, the kids will start fighting, emergencies arise, the phone never stops ringing, etc… You name it, it will be sure to happen. This is why perseverance is in my top 10 tips to maintain a successful online business. You must make it a point every night before going to bed to make a ‘to do’ list for the next day concerning your business. This strategy has helped me most of all and it keeps me on task.

Quote of the Day:
"Any Statement made after the phrase 'I AM' has power, whether positive or negative, it will have power"

To Your Success and Happiness In your NEW Life!

Copyright © Tabitha Palmer

About The Author

Tabitha Palmer

I have 5 children and that in itself is a great accomplishment, most people rarely get the chance to have more than 1 great accomplishment in their life,My online business is #2. Now I am working on #3!

For legitimate business opportunities visit:

Sign up for my Free Affiliate Marketing Newsletter and get 6 Free Ebooks to increase your knowledge on the Business!

8 Proven Points To Make A Home Business Website Profitable
by: Juhani Tontti

It is a miracle how the most successful home business websites have so much in common, despite of the fact that they look so different. This cannot be a co-incident.

One common feature is that these successful sites are likable and somehow easy to use. Everything looks so clear, so it is easy to judge whether you like it or not.

They look so simple, that I often ask, what special they have and how they have become so successful? It seems that the simpler and the more user friendly the site is, the better chances it has to create big sales.

Very clearly one big success factor is that the finetuning work should concentrate to take away all the unnecessary elements and non-selling links.

1. Winning Element: Attention Grabbing Title.

The title is absolutely the most important element of the site. It should contain the promise and to describe the content of the site.

A Great Title informs in a catchy way that this website includes the benefits about this topic.

The headline should be written well and it should stand out from the rest of the copy. It also should be the first element, which catches the visitor attention in seconds, because if it does not do that, the visitor continues the surfing.

2. Winning Element: Well Written Copy.

The Internet is the information highway, so the role of the copy is very important, this is the world of the words. The copy should draw the readers attention immediately to the benefits your offer give to him.

The style is important and the target is to build up the trust from the first contact. The copy should make the reader enthusiastic about the benefits but it should not use hype style overpromises, because they will destroy the trust.

3. Winning Element: Easy Site Navigation.

This is the technical must, because nothing drives the visitors away faster than the bad navigation. The site structure should be clear and logical, so that the visitor knows all the time, where he is and to where he could go from here.

The menu should be the same on every page and clearly accessible and also easy to understand. The terms should be clear, despite of the fact that you may want to use internet home business keyphrases.

4. Winning Element: Call To Action.

After the copy has presented the main benefits it is the time to call the reader into action. The clearnes is important. The visitor hates the situation, when he does not know, what to do next so it is better to call him to action and not to leave him guessing? Action is everything and we have to call the reader to do that.

One good way is to lower the bar, i.e. to offer a cheap or free trial opportunity for some weeks, before the reader will buy the product. The efficiency is the better, the more often you call the reader into action.

5. Winning Element: Images.

One picture tells more than thousand words. You should include photos of every product you sell, because they make the products more real, than the copy alone.

To make the navigation easier, you can use thumbnails instead of big images, which link to larger images. This speed up the page loadings.

6. Winning Element: Optin Form.

Most of the internet home business visitors needs at least five contacts before they will buy. It is important to get the website visitor`s name and email address in the early stage, because otherwise they can leave the site and you will never see them again.

In this process you have to give them a gift, an email course, a free e-book or something like that, which again will sell your offer later on. Now you can send them messages during a long period of time, which clearly makes the process more productive.

7. Winning Element: About Us Section.

The idea of every internet home business site is to build trust over a long period of time. This requires that you tell enough about yourself and give your contact information for further questions.

All big home business brands are build by stories, so can you also do. The idea of the story is to give enough information about you and to show that there is a real person working for the customers. This shows people that there is a real people behind the business.

8. Winning Element: Site Freshness.

People and search engines love unique, fresh information. A successful home business website goes through regular changes and additions. The visitor sees immediately that it is up to date.

It is useful to look the competing sites in your internet home business niche, because they are a great source of new ideas. Another idea is to make sure your site can stand out from the crowd.

The marketing is very important but the key is still the quality of your internet home business site. It makes the people to come back and it is the real place, where they can reach you and your offers.

About The Author

Juhani Tontti is a successful, full-time home business marketer with over 25 years experience from off-line and on-line brand building. Get more information, click here: