Thursday, March 29, 2012

Memahami Ungkapan Yang Berhubungan dengan Hobi dan Minat


Talking about Hobbies and Interest
Examples of the question :
What’s your favorite hobby?
Do you like watching TV?
Do you enjoy dancing?
What do you do in your spare time?

Examples of responses:
§  Yes I love dancing.
§  I like watching TV in the evening.
§  Sometimes.
§  Yes, I like it a lot.
§  Etc.

Hobby and interest pada hal ini berhubungan dengan penggunaan gerund (V1 + -ing) karena hoby dan minat biasanya menggunakan kata-kata:
Like, love, enjoy, interest dimana kata-kata tersebut diikuti kata Benda atau bentuk gerund.

Gerunds (-ing)

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berakhiran  -ing.
Ada 3 fungsi gerund, yaitu :

Fungsi Gerunds

Sebagaiamana noun, gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object atau pelengkap kalimat.

Contoh gerund yang berfungsi sebagai subject, yaitu:

  • Smoking costs a lot of money.
Contoh gerund yang berfungsi sebagai object, yaitu:
  • I don't like writing.
Contoh gerund yang berfungsi sebagai pelengkap kalimat, yaitu:
  • My favourite occupation is reading.
Ada beberapa kata kerja yang harus diikuti oleh gerund, antara laian:
  • admit, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can't help, imagine, involve, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, put off, report, resent, risk, can't stand, suggest, understand
Lihat contoh berikut :
  • She is considering having a holiday.
  • Do you feel like going out?
  • I can't help falling in love with you.
  • I can't stand not seeing you.

Gerunds after Prepositions

This is a good rule. It has no exceptions!
Gerund juga terletak setelah preposisi, berikut ini beberapa contohnya:
  • I will call you after arriving at the office.
  • Please have a drink before leaving.
  • I am looking forward to meeting you.
  • Do you object to working late?
  • Tara always dreams about going on holiday
Apa itu infinitive?
Infinitive adalah kata kerja pertama yang mendapat awalan ‘to’, missal, to see, to work, to study.
Kapan harus menggunakan infinitive?
Infinitive digunakan bila didahului oleh kata kerja – kata kerja sebagai berikut:
- forget, help, learn, teach, train
- choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like
- agree, encourage, pretend, promise, recommend
- allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean, refuse

Contoh :
  • I forgot to close the window.
  • Mary needs to leave early.
  • Why are they encouraged to learn English?
  • We can't afford to take a long holiday.
Infinitive juga digunakan setelah adjective sebagai berikut:
- disappointed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sad, surprised
Contoh :
  • I was happy to help them.
  • She will be delighted to see you.
Digunakan juga setelah  too + adjective dan adjective + enough:
Contoh :
  • The water was too cold to swim in.
  • Is your coffee too hot to drink?
  • He was strong enough to lift it.
  • She is rich enough to buy two.

contoh soal:
1. Bara     : Do you speak English?
    Guntur : I do and I speak Germany to. I’m interested in ______ foreign languages
a.      Learned                                        c. learns
b.      learn                                             d. learning
2. Amir                        : What’s your favourite hobby?
   Umar            : ________________ a book.
            a. Read
            b. Reads           
            c. Reading       
            d. To read
3. Hasan          : Do you like _______________?
    Andien        : Yes, I like it a lot.
            a. Cooking       b. Cooks          c. Cook     d. Cooked
4. Anne           : How will your travel there?
    Dewi           : I will travel by train.
    Anne           : _______________by train is safer, isn’t it?
    Dewi           : That’s true.
5. Bara             : Would you mind____________book to the library?
    Hasibuan     : OK. Never mind.
            a. return           b. returning      c. returns         d. returned
6. Ajis              : “What are your mother’s hobby?”
   Ali                : Growing orchids and ________antique jewelry.”
            a. Collect         b. to collect     c. collecting     d. collected
7. Chandra      : “What did Adi finally decide?
    Edi              : “____________his master’s degree in Australia.”
            a. He takes      b. Taking         c. To take        d. His taking
8. Marsin         : “Why are you so late”
    Makarim      : “We had to stop on the way__________some gasoline.”
            a. To buy         b. Must buy     c. Buying         d. We had to buy
9. Anjas           : “Where is Prabu?”
    Mara            : “Oh, I completely forgot __________him.
            a. To invite      b. Invites         c. Inviting        d. Invite
10. Yuni          : “What did the cashier of the bookstore tell you?”
      Arfi           : “__________with a credit card.”
            a. Not paying              b. Not to pay               c. Not pay       d. Did not pay

Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa Inggris, Otong Setiawan Djuharie

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