Salary Range For Teachers
Author: Erik John
Teachers’ salaries are determined by the geographic location in which they work, the level of education in which they reached, and their seniority. The salary range for teachers in public schools throughout the United States was approximately $51,000 in 2007. The average salary range for teachers at the higher range of the spectrum (basically those with the most experience) is $73,350. Experienced private school teachers typically make an estimated $10,000 less than those in public schools. The economic problems that have been occurring throughout the past couple of years have caused many industries to cut back on raises have not affected teachers. With an average 4.5 increase in their salary, the teaching industry is seeing the highest rise than they have the past 15 years. The New Teachers’ Salary Range The average salary range for teachers new in the field, working in public schools, with a Bachelor’s degree is approximately $35,000 for the 2006-07 school year. This amount is 6.2 percent higher than the 2005-06 school year. Private school teachers begin at around $29,000 a year. The outlook for the increases in public education to continue is extremely positive. In the next ten years, due to the growing population and experienced teachers reaching retirement it is predicted that there will be approximately a half a million positions available. Increasing a Teacher’s Salary The average teacher’s salary range is not just based on the new teacher and the experienced teacher with years of experience. Geographic location places a significant role in the amount of money a teacher makes. The more rural an area, the less the average salary for a teacher is. The more urban the higher the salary becomes. Teachers in the South tend to make less than those in the North, just like with most professions. If cost of living is lower in the area, the salary range is lower. Outside of the uncontrollable difference in salaries based upon geographic locations, a teacher with more education is definitely in a better position to be in a higher salary range. Teachers with their Master’s degree get paid, on average, over $6,000 more a year than those with just a Bachelor’s. Another 30 education credits could earn a teacher another $2,000 a year. After teaching for 25 years, a teacher with this education could be making in the salary range of $80,000. Opportunities of Advancement The average salary range for teachers does not include the opportunities that lie ahead if a teacher wants to advance his/her career. Becoming an administrator in a school increases average salaries significantly. Becoming a principal gives a teacher the opportunity to have an average salary of almost $80,000. Becoming a vice- principal or assistant principal allows the teacher to increase the average salary he/she can make to over $65,000. The level of school can increase the amount. High school principals make more than middle school principals; middle school principals make more than elementary school principals. Other Ways to Increase a Teacher’s Salary There are several extra-curricular activities teachers may lead or coach to supplement their income. Coaching athletics is a popular way many teachers earn more money, as well as connect with their students. Other activities include, but are not limited to, becoming an advisor for after school clubs, helping with tutoring programs, teaching summer school, and becoming a new teacher mentor.
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11 months ago
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