Sebelum mempelajari dialog dibawah ini, perhatikan instruksi berikut:
Sumber: Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/SMK/MAK/SMAK terbitan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
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- Jika sudah membaca instruksi ini, silahkan tulis di kolom komentar seperti ini: My name is.... I am from XII....I have read the instruction.
Sumber: Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/SMK/MAK/SMAK terbitan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Dela Saputri. I am from XII PKM 1.I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is DHEA MARETA. I am from XII PKM I. I have read the instruction.
DeleteMy name is PUTRI ANASTASSA. I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is RANTI QUROTUL AINIA I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction.
DeleteMy Name is Ria Anggraini. I am from Xll PKM 4. I have read the instruction
DeleteMy Name is silvia afrianti. I am from XII Banking 4. I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is Siti hoirunisa. I am from XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is Muhammad Ramadhani. I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is Devina Istiazah, I am from XII Banking 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Alyah Wadhah, I am from XII PKM 1. I have read the instruction.
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ReplyDeleteMy name is ANZANI SYABIAN, I am form XII PKM 1. I have read the instruction
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Annisa Damayanti, i am from XII PKM 1.I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Angellita Nada Syafira, I am from XII Banking 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Desi Putri Ramdani. I am from XII PKM 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Diah Nursafitri, I am form XII PKM 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Della azaria, I am from XII PKM 1. I have rwad the insruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Della azaria, I am from XII PKM 1. I have rwad the insruction.
ReplyDeleteMy Name is febry Oktaviani, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Hanifah Rusmawati, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is farhah I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction.
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ReplyDeleteMy name is indri julianti, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instructions
ReplyDeleteMy name is Emilia Nuraini, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Husnul khotimah,I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instrution
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ReplyDeleteMy name is ikbar Pratama, I am from XII PKM 2, I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Friska Nuraini, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Friska Nuraini, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Fia juniati, I am from XII PKM 2, I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ersella,I am fron XII PKM 2. 1 have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Elvira Listiyani, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Komala Sukma komara. I am from XII PKM 2.I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Hanifah Muzhaffirah, I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ida Farida. I am from XII PKM 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Intan Pandini, I am from XII PKM 2.I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is fahmi awalludin,I am from XII PKM 2.I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name Is Muhamad Ridwan, I From Xll Pkm 3. I Have Read The Instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Levianus, I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is mar’atussholihah, I am from XII pkm 3, I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name ia Mudi Wahyudi,I am from XII PKM 3,I Have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Meliana Putri Setyaningsih I am from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nani Rahayu, I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mifta Putri Yulizar, I am from XII PKM 3, I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name ia Maulida Nabila Putri, I am From XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nadila Puspita Dewi I am from XII PKM3 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Putri Zahra Sativa. I'am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Novita Dewi, I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Muhammad Rizky I am from XII pkm 3 Ihave read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nelviana siska syah bella, I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction
My name is Putri Nabilah Yarsah, I am from XII PKM 3, I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nurayini, l am from Xll pkm 3.l have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nurlita Aprila.. I am from XII PKM 3.. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Murdi, I am from XII PKM 3, I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mochammad noor yadin I am from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy nama is Lita Aulia Putri, I am from XII PKM 3, I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Padya Chairunnisa, I am from XII PKM 3, I have the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is nayla nuzhatul fudlola I am from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ovi Utami I ama from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is mirna Puji husniasari, i am from XII PKM 3, i have the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is LIA AGNESIA.I am from XII PKM 3.I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mira Saputri Chotimah. I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Puput Ramadhani I am from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Puput Ramadhani I am from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy Name ia Mohammad Rivqi Fadli Ian from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Mohammad Rivqi Fadli iam from XII PKM 3 I have read the instruction
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Ambarwati I am from XII Pkm 1 I have read the intstruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Naura Afifah I am from XII PKM 3 have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Septyani eka putri I from XII PKM 4 have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Adinda Tri febria kiranti, I am from XII PKM 1, I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is siti nisa'ul hasanah l am from XII PKM 4 have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sofia Nur Handayani I am from XII PKM 4 have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name ia Widiya Triastuti I am from XII PKM 4 have read instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Resti Oktapiani, I am from XII Banking 4, I have read the intruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Wina Apriliana. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Yulia Agustina I am from XII PKM 4 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Windi Gusnia Wati i am from XII PKM 4 i have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Wina Apriliana. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Tri wulan sari. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sarmilah, I am from XII PKM 4,I have read the intruction
ReplyDeleteMy name ia Uriah. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is widyana. I am from XII PKM 4.I have read the intruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is RATIH RAHMAWATI,I am from Xll PKM 4 I have read the intruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is widyana.I am from XII pkm 4. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is WIDYA PUTRI MELINAZ, I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the intruction.
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Siti Nurhayati Absent 21. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the intruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Syifa Alya Sapira.I am from XII PKM 4.I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Lolla Sri Nanda . I am from XII PKM 4 . I have read the instruction
ReplyDeletemy name is luthfiyah. i am from XII PKM 3. i have read the instuction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Salsabila Aulia Rahma I am from XII PKM4 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Saffana Ramadhina I am from XII PKM 4 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is wandira meilani. I am from 12 PKM4 . I have read the intruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Syahfitri Fadila Lukman, i am from XII PKM 4 i have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Syahfitri Fadila Lukman, i am from XII PKM 4 i have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Uswatun Hasanah. I am from XII PKM 4.I have read the intruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Siti Puresti Restiani. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rismawati. I am from XII pkm 4. I have read the instruction
DeleteMy Name Is Reekha Permata. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rismawati. I am from XII pkm 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Siti Fatimah Xll PKM 4. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rizki Aziz am from XII PKM 4 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Shabrina Hidayati am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Dhea Meisyah Rani. I am from XII BDP I. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is chikal Amanda am from Xll BPD 1. l have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Erwin. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Anisa. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Hadi jaya. I am from XII BDP 1.I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Dhea Meisyah Rani. I am from XII BDP I. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Bella Islamiah Putri am from XII BDP1.I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Fathul Qorib. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name Ade Kurniyawan i am from XII BDP1, I have read the intruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Della Fricillia I am from XII BDP 1 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Erika Raniah Zahira i am from XII BDP 1 ,I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ferry Ferdiansyah. I am from Xll BDP 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Dinta Amanila. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeletemy name is Erfianti Chayronisyah. Iam from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Desi Fitriah. I am from XII BDP 1.I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ibnu said. I am from XII BDP 1.I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name elisabeth.i am from XII BDP 1 ,I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Camelia Riyadi, I’m from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Fahri Noer Ardiansyah, I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is eka purnama sari I am from XII BDP 1 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeletemy name is Bunga Apriyanti. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ikmal Kurniawan. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ega Febrianti , I am from XII bdp 1 . I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is Delpitasari, I am from XII BDP 1.I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is pajar, I am from XII PKM 3, I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Bima Ananda. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Bima Ananda. I am from XII BDP 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ria kairiyah. I am from XII PKM 4. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Alifah nurhalimah. I am from XII PKM 1. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is gustGustian arrafa I am from XII BDP1.I HAVE READ THE INSTRUCTION
ReplyDeletemy name is Nadia Nurfadilah, i am from XII BDP 3 , I HAVE READ THE INSTRUCTION
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rangga Baranta. I am from XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Natasya bunga kirana,i am from XII BDP 3,I HAVE READ THE INSTRUCTION
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Silpia hidaya, I am from XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Tiara Putri Nabila, I am from XII BDP 3 I have read the instructions
My name is Vira Nurlita. i am from XII BDP 3. i have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ratna. I am from XII BDP 3.I Have Read The Instruction
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Siti Anita MilaRiya Sari. I am from XII BDP 3. I Have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Puput Okta Silviani
I am from XII BDP 3
I have read the instruction
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMy name is Nadiyah, I am from XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sacca Wulandari I am from XII BDP 3 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Tia ardiana hidayatun, I am from XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sopina,I am from XII BDP 3, i have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sisi Amanda Wahyuni.l am from Xll BDP 3.l have read the instruction
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Sri Lestari I am from XII BDP 3 I have read the instruction
DeleteMy name is Wangi onica am from Xll BDP 3 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is sisi amanda wahyuni.l am from Xll BDP 3 l have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Yossimura. I am from Xll BDP 3 I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Widya Rahmawati. I am from XII BDP 3. Have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rasyid Hannanu. I am from XII BDP 3. I Have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Suganda wildan zikri. I am from XII BDP 3. Have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sitinurlela I am from XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteNama saya sindi meiza sintia. Dari kelas XII BDP 3. Saya Telah Membaca instruksi
ReplyDeleteMy name is sonia, I am form XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rahamd Wahyudi, I am form XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nila Umaya, I am form XII BDP 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Raffi Arkan Fauzan, I am from XII BDP 3.I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Yasmin rachma rusady I am from XII PKM 3. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is maya aulia fadilah. I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Muhamad Saddam, I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeletemy name is Nur Putri Aini I am from XII BDP 2 I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Muhammad idul akbar. I am from XII BDP 2. Have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Muhamad Fikri Yansyah,I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Meka Juwita.I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is mega apriyanti.l am from xll bdp 2.l have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nabila Ikhsaniyah. I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Muhammad Hasim. I am from XII BDP 2. I haveread the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is Leni Vionanda. I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Muhammad asdan. I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction
ReplyDeleteMy name is monica carolina. I am from XII BDP 2. I have read the instruction.
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