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Saturday, December 13, 2008


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Selamat mencoba!
(Ahmad Ripai, dari berbagai sumber, antara lain : ‘Langkah Mudah Meraup Dollar Lewat Internet’ karangan Taufik Hidayat, ‘Go! Blog’, karangan Assep Purna Mulyanto.)



Menjadi guru itu mulia. Dahulu memang guru itu dikenal dengan sebutan ‘Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa’, tapi di saat ulang tahunnya yang ke-63, guru dikenal dengan sebutan ‘Pahlawan Pembentuk Insan Cendekia’. Di ulang tahun guru yang sebelumnya, bahkan pemerintah telah menyatakan bahwa guru adalah sebuah profesi. Dikatakan, profesi guru sama dengan profesi dokter, insinyur, dan profesi-profesi lainnya. Namun, walaupun profesi sama, kesejahteraan tidaklah sama. Nasib baik baru berpihak pada guru-guru yang menyandang predikat PNS. Pada tahun 2009, pemerintah telah berjanji untuk memberikan gaji minimal Rp. 2 juta kepada guru PNS golongan terendah dan belum berkeluarga. Lalu bagaimana dengan nasib guru-guru non PNS? Pemerintah memang tetap memberi perhatian kepada guru-guru non PNS, yaitu berupa pemberian subsidi tunjangan fungsional. Namun, tetap saja take home pay guru non PNS masih kurang.

Walaupun perhatian pemerintah terhadap guru non PNS masih kurang, guru-guru non PNS tetap bersemangat dan berdedikasi dalam mendidik anak-anak bangsa seperti halnya guru-guru PNS. Mudah-mudahan di tahun-tahun mendatang tidak ada lagi dikotomi guru PNS dan non PNS. Mimpi kali yee...

Boleh dong bermimpi...daripada sama sekali tidak punya harapan-harapan...

Sambil menunggu mimpi tersebut menjadi kenyataan, tidak ada salahnya guru-guru baik PNS maupun non PNS mencari penghasilan tambahan agar lebih sejahtera.

Tidak bermaksud menggurui...saya yakin banyak guru sudah mengetaui cara mencari penghasilan tambahan. Caranya banyak, antara lain : menjadi guru privat, mengajar bimbel/kursus-kursus, menulis buku/artikel, dan masih banyak lagi.

Nah...tulisan ini hanya akan membahas cara mencari penghasilan tambahan dengan menulis.

Bagi guru-guru yang punya hobi menulis, mulailah manfaatkan waktu luang untuk menulis. Menulis apa saja. Banyak ide bertebaran di sekeliling kita. Setiap saat. Fiksi dan non fiksi. Bisa berupa cerpen atau artikel yang bisa dikirim ke koran dan majalah, bisa juga berupa buku yang bisa dikirim ke penerbit atau kalau punya modal terbitkan sendiri. Atau...menulislah di media penulisan yang saat ini sedang booming, yaitu Blog.

Anda bisa menulis apa saja di sebuah blog. Tentang keseharian, hobi, dan bahkan materi pelajaran. Blog dapat dibuat secara gratis atau bayar. Namun, yang gratis saja dulu sebagai bahan latihan untuk menampung semua ide-ide yang banyak bertebaran. Ingat! Menulis blog berarti menambah penghasilan!.

Banyak penyedia blog gratisan, yang terkenal adalah,

Cara mendaftarnya sederhana. Namun harus punya email terlebih dahulu, yang dapat dibuat di

Buka situs Setelah dibuka, ada tiga langkah mudah yang harus diikuti; pertama, create an account. Buatlah akun google terlebih dahulu. Lengkapi semua informasi yang diminta. Setelah selesai klik ‘Continue’, dan anda akan langsung ke langkah kedua, yaitu ‘name your blog’. Beri nama blog anda, isi blog tittle dengan judul blog anda, kemudian isi blog adress (URL). Setelah selesai klik ‘Continue’, dan anda akan langsung ke langkah ketiga yaitu, choose a template. Pilih template yang anda kehendaki dengan mengklik template yang anda pilih, lalu klik ‘Continue’, dan blog anda sudah terdaftar di Sekarang, anda sudah bisa memposting tulisan-tulisan tentang apa saja.
Selamat mencoba!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ulangan II

1. Maya has been a professional singer ________ 1989.
2. So far, it has rained ________ five hours
3. I haven't been snowboarding ________ last winter
4. Jo has been a student here ________ March
5. The beaver has been an emblem of Canada ________ many years.
6. Cougars have almost disappeared from the Victoria area ________ humans settled here
7. Mary has kept a diary ________ she was ten years old.
8. First Nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle ________ hundreds of years
9. The Canadian two-dollar coin (or toonie) has been in circulation ________ 1996.
10. They've been married ________ twenty-five years

1. “I have written three letters,” means…
a. she is still writing now b. she is not writing anymore
c. she has not finished writing yet d. she hopes to finish this morning
2. we have …all project managers to turn in their reports by the end of the week.
a. asking b. asked c. ask d. asks
3. I hasn’t seen her for almost three years (true or false)
4. Mr. Smith lives in Paris for ten years, but now he is living in Rome. (true or false)
5.“You looked so unhappy, Anton. What’s the matter?”
“My father…his job.”
a. has just lost b. has been losing
c. was losing d. losing
6.“Several hotels in this region are closing down.”
“That’s because tourism itself…since last year.”
a. is declining b. declined
c. has been declining d. had declined
7. he (speak) for an hour. I expect he’ll soon be finished

Ulangan I

Ulangan I

Corporate Policy Change

Moving Expenses. You can be reimbursed for your expenses of moving to a new home only if your new home is at least 50 miles away from your former home. In addition, expenses are limited to the costs of moving your household goods and personal effects from your former home to your new home. Meals, pre-move house hunting expenses, and temporary-quarters expenses are no longer reimbursable.

1. Who would be most affected by this notice?
(A) Hotel chains (C) Real estate agents
(B) Furniture rental companies (D) New employees moving from another city

2. Which of the following will be reimbursed?
(A) Lunch for the movers (B) Shipping household goods
(C) Gas used looking for a house (D) Hotel expenses


Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, East Berlin was like the rest of East Germany – drab and depressed. Today it is a different story. There are over 40 major construction projects underway and investments in new construction are expected to exceed $20 billion. Part of this boom can be attributed to the fact that the national government of Germany will move to Berlin. The city will once again be Germany’s leading city and gateway to the expanding markets in Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries east of the German border.
3. According to the article, what caused the change in East Berlin?
(A) Expanding markets in Poland
(B) Border changes east of Germany
(C) The completion of 40 construction projects
(D) The collapse of the Berlin Wall
4. Which is NOT given as a reason for increased prosperity?
(A) The location of Berlin (B) The destruction of the Berlin Wall
(C) The move of the national government (D) The drab character of East Berlin
5. A sum of at least $20 billion will be invested in
(A) moving the government (B) new construction
(C) expanding markets (D) border control


Darla K. Wise received her B.A. degree from Arizona State University in 1980 and her Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Harvard University in 1987.
She represented self-insured employers in Central New York for five years before joining the law firm of Corman, Hagan, Wallis and White, where she has been a principal since 1990. Her practice emphasizes the representation of corporate interests in libel suits.
Ms. Wise is a member of the New York Bar Association and the New York Trial Lawyers Association.
This continuing education foundation of the New York Bar Association is pleased to have Ms. Wise speak to us today.

6. What does Darla do for a living?
(A) She’s a lawyer (B) She’s a professor
(C) She’s an employee of the New York Bar Association
(D) She’s a bar and restaurant manager
7. What is her highest educational achievement?
(A) A bachelor’s degree
(B) A master’s degree
(C) A certificate from the New York Trial Lawyers Association
(D) Doctorate
8. What is her main focus in her work?
(A) Personal injury (B) Corporate defense
(C) Divorce (D) Education


The Office Writer’s Handbook is a necessary reference work for anyone who has to write for business purposes. It states the rules of English grammar accurately and clearly, and shows you how to apply them to your writing. It also gives approved formats for business letters, reports, and even charts. A special section covers the most common writing mistakes and how to avoid them.

9. Who would likely NOT use this book?
(A) Students (B) Reservation agents
(C) Hotel managers (D) Airline executives
10. How does this book describe the rules of English grammar?
(A) Clearly and correctly (B) Slowly and carefully
(C) Quickly and easily (D) In great detail

Thursday, September 4, 2008

English Test Score

3 AK

Quality of a Good Teacher

Author: Kh Atiar Rahman

An American definition of 'Teaching' envisages that ' Teaching is the consistent and effective transfer of appropriate behaviours which lead to the achievement of predetermined and specified results'. Hence in order to substantiate the purpose of teaching that is the transfer of knowledge to the students properly so that after receiving teachings they can acquire expected knowledge and pre-determined results. Hence a good teacher is he who teaches the students how to lead their lives cleanly and controlled towards acquiring knowledge. The quality of a good teacher is vitality important for ideal teachings to the students. He should know the correct way of teaching where the students are inspired to learn and devote themselves to study.

According to Comonenius, a famous educationist, in order to make teaching successful, the three things are vitally important. These are : Good teacher, Good method and Good books. Indeed, a good teacher plays a vital role in making teachings to the students successful.

Being a teacher, he should behave in such a way by dint of his own image, voice and body use so that interaction and transfer of behaviour between the teacher and the student are accelerated in a systematic manner.

About the image, he needs to behave like the following:

 Well-dressed

 Well rested

 He has to arrive before the students

 He has to greet the students as they arrive

 He needs to be enthusiastic about teaching in relevant field

 He has to identify and help the less able students

 He should remain alert and concentrate on how his students are behaving

 He should be an attentive listener

 He should think before he speaks

 He should remain calm and quiet

Assuming in a teaching classroom, computer class on Visual Basic is going on. The students are feeling boring because the teacher was not well dressed and well rested. Rather he has arrived late and he has not greeted them. Some students do not understand his lecture. He is running fast. He is not identifying and helping the less able students. In this case, despite his sound knowledge in the relevant field, he may not be treated as a good teacher. Henry Fayol defines a teacher as an active student of the students who can play very much attractive and fascinate role upon overall performances in the class. Besides this, in order to make our teachings memorable by good preparation, we need to follow as appended below apropos to the use of Voice:

 A teacher must start with Bang and end with Bang.

 In between check and interaction, a teacher should understand one thing that the students are learning.

 To plan for accurate timing

 To choose a suitable teaching methods in respect of the students and topics with a great care. And to help the students learn, especially those who are with problems.

Apropos to the use of voice one who will be a good teacher must be well conversant with the following:

 Trend/style of speaking

 Will the students hear you at the back?

 Will you, being a teacher " umm" and " aha"?

 Will you speak slowly for " big" message?

 Whether, being a teacher, you create excitedly enthusiasm?

 Quickly to stimulate?

 Enthusiastically to stop boredom?

 Will you repeat important message?

 Will you use good examples to highlight points?

 Will you tell stories, which make important points?

 Are you sound confident and in control the class?

An ideal teacher needs to play a vital role in active advisor among the students. He needs to be careful about the criteria on Control, Guide, Consult and Facilitate.

 Control: To draw up and issue instruction, and stay with the students, closely supervising its action.

 Guide to clarify what is required, hand over ownership to students and offer to give advice when they call you.

 Consult: To give a broad outline, ask students to discuss ideas and agree actions, using us as a separate expert reference point.

 Facilitate to give overall direction, co-ordinate the group's discussion and expect it to produce a progress report.

Being a teacher, our attitude may vary according to the nature of the students subject area.

Being a teacher, we need to be very careful in using our voice for effective teaching class. A good teacher need not be excited and agitated towards the students. We should give chance to ask question to the students so that transfer of behaviour is made possible in a significant manner. Sometimes, we forget that we are a teacher and we have a particular job for the students on the concept of learning. According to Franchise Bacon, there are two types of learning: One is Pedagogy- children's learning and the other is Andragoggy- Adult learning. In case of adult learning, we cannot teach anybody, we only help them to learn. So in the case of using our voice we need to be responsible and tactful. Hence Somerset Maugham says " It is difficult to pass over the razor's edge, but the wise say the path to salvation is hard "

Being a teacher, we should be careful in using our body. In this connection, we should bear in mind the following points:

 To think of the image we want to convey and practice and how shall we achieve it ?

 Are we neatly/comfortably dressed?

 Shall we fidget with a pen, watch, glasses, etc. ?

 Shall we avoid eye contact?

 If we make eye contact, how shall we do this ?

 Shall we sit or we stand ?

 If we sit , will it be near to/ a distance from students

 If you sit how will you use your hands and leg

That is to say, a teacher's behaviour will be in such which must attract the students for effective and efficient teaching.

In delivering lecture, there are limitations, which may create hindrance to learning on the part of the students. Sometimes the lecture may be monotonous and boring due to continuous saying. If there exists dryness amongst the students, the teacher should change the policy of his lecture. He should ask open-ended questions. Open ended questions help get the students involved. Assuming to know a particular thing, one may get interested if he is intended to know those particular items. Some of the limitations of delivering a lecture are as follows:

 To ask question for 'Yes'/ No answer.

 Not to ask open ended question to get people involved.

 To use agitated words

 Not to say repeatedly while delivering lecture

 Not to ask meaningful questions

 To ask several question at a time

 Not to give feedback on answers yourself, or involve others

 Not to give people a chance to absorb the question and answer it.

 Not to welcome answers

 To be critical in answering and asking questions.

An ideal teacher needs to be well conversant about using the language. It is indispensable to create awareness and congenial atmosphere on the part of a teacher. The following are the different ways to improve lecture.

 To manage intersperse lecture with opportunities to challenge and discuss what is being delivered.

 To break the students into groups for exercises which develop lecture themes and need to be reported back and analysed.

 To use case studies, which challenge students to apply the teaching, they are being given.

 To use Video record teaching sessions and analyse progress and results.

 To use role plays to demonstrate examples of what is said in lectures.

 To split into teams which analyse the days lecture theme and give a resume of it on same / next day.

 To be prepared to facilitate and contribute to discussions and help groups prepare feedback.

 To develop feedback techniques on what a teacher observes groups doing.

In order to develop lecture, group discussion is a vital thing. As a teacher, we have to ensure that group performance is effective.

From the students view point, a good teacher needs to inform the following 10 golden rules of Franchise Bacon :

1. Be on time.

2. Be obedient.

3. Be courteous.

4. Don't interrupt- one.

Teacher at a time.

Wait for the turn of the students

5. No visitors during classes/ messages on notice board.

6. Stay in your seat, be with the classes.

7. Be attentive.

8. Contribute to what is happening.

9. We are a team here - be a team layer.

10. To be particular in doing home task and taking part in active role on social and cultural affairs of the students

Apropos to the teaching method, the following are important to apply in teaching the students virtually.

1. Telling is not teaching

2. Age is not a bar to learn

3. Meaningful learning experience

4. Voice, image and body use

5. Practically oriented way of teaching

6. Repeat, Recap and Review

In view of the above, a good teacher selects any method to teach the students but according to Franchise Bacon, most of the good teachers select the sixth Rule of teaching that is ' Repeat, Recap, Review ' which is the most important one to make the teaching vitally effective, meaningful, fruitful and up to the mark

The reasons in support of the argument are stated as follows.

(a) Repeat: According to Franchise Bacon, 'when you tell something in the class to a group of students, it is only a saying but when you recapitulate it, repeat it and ask the question on the progress, it will be interacted and if you further emphasize the concept, they will be conversant with the relevant knowledge'. Indeed, incase of delivering an important message, if it is stated once-only 10% will be memorized but if it is stated 6 times then 90% are memorized after one year. So, reiteration/repetition is the most important tools for the teaching to make the topics rememberable. If the message is not remembered and understandable then the whole thing will be treated as useless.

The author has written a large number of articles on education, commerce, society and environment. He is at present serving as a Counterpart officer, under Financial Management Reform Programme under Ministry of Finance, Finance Division.

(b) Review: A proverb always goes like ' To err is human'. It is human nature to forget the things/message, which is not reviewed that are we losing what we don't review. To review we are to regularly sum up where we have reached and invited questions.

At the end of every topics if the teacher repeats, recap and review, ask questions and help them to answer properly, the trainees will be more motivated and conversant with the subjects and grasp it properly so that teaching will be effective and fruitful.

According to Comoneius, a famous educationist, in order to make teaching successful, the three things are vitally important. These are good teacher, Good method and Good books. Indeed, a good teacher plays a vital role in making teaching successful.

Being a teacher, he should behave in such a way by dint of his own image, voice and body use so that interaction and transfer of behaviour between the teacher and the student are accelerated in a systematic manner.

About the image, he needs to behave like the following:

 Well-dressed

 Well rested

 He has to arrive before the students

 He has to greet the students as they arrive

 He needs to be enthusiastic about teaching

 He has to identify and help the less able students

 He should remain alert and concentrate on how his groups are behaving

 He should be an attentive listener

 He should think before he speaks

 He should remain calm and quiet

Assuming in a teaching classroom, computer class on visual FoxPro is going on. The students are feeling boring because the teacher was not well dressed and well rested. Rather he has arrived late and he has not greeted them. Some students do not understand his lecture. He is running fast. He is not identifying and helping the less able students. In this case, despite his sound knowledge in the relevant field, he may not be treated as a good teacher.

Henry Fayol defines a teacher as an active student of the student who can play very much attractive and fascinate role upon overall performances in the class. Besides this, in order to make our teaching memorable by good preparation, we need to follow as appended below apropos to the use of Voice:

 A teacher must start with Bang and end with Bang.

 In between check and interaction, a teacher should understand one thing that the students are learning.

 To plan for accurate timing

 To choose a suitable teaching methods in respect of the students and topics with a great care and to help the students to learn, especially those who are with problems.

Apropos to the use of voice one who will be teacher must be well conversant with the following :

 Trend/style of speaking

 Will the students hear you at the back?

 Will you, being a teacher " umm" and " aha"?

 Will you speak slowly for " big" message?

 Whether, being a teacher, you create excitedly enthusiasm?

 Quickly to stimulate?

 Enthusiastically to stop boredom?

 Will you repeat important message?

 Will you use good examples to highlight points?

 Will you tell stories, which make important points?

 Are you sound confident and in control the class?

An ideal teacher needs to play a vital role in active leadership among the students. He needs to be careful about the criteria on Control, Guide, Consult and Facilitate.

 Control: To draw up and issue instruction, and stay with the group, closely supervising its action.

 Guide: To clarify what is required, hand over ownership to students and offer to give advice when they call you.

 Consult: To give a broad outline, ask students to discuss ideas and agree actions, using us as a separate expert reference point.

 Facilitate: To give overall direction, co-ordinate the group's discussion and expect it to produce a progress report.

Being a teacher, our attitude may vary according to the nature of the students subject area.

Being a teacher, we need to be very careful in using our voice for effective teaching class. We need not be excited and agitated towards the students. We should give chance to ask question to the students so that transfer of behaviour is made possible in a significant manner. Sometimes, we forget that we are a teacher and we have a particular job for the students on the concept of learning. According to Francise Bacon, there are two types of learning: One is Pedagogy- children's learning and the other is Andragoggy- Adult learning. In case of adult learning, we cannot teach anybody, we only help them to learn. So in the case of using our voice we need to be responsible and tactful. Hence Somerset Maugham says " It is difficult to pass over the razor's edge, but the wise say the path to salvation is hard "

Being a teacher, we should be careful in using our body. In this connection, we should bear in mind the following points:

 To think of the image we want to convey and practice and how shall we achieve it ?

 Are we neatly/comfortably dressed?

 Shall we fidget with a pen, watch, glasses, etc. ?

 Shall we avoid eye contact?

 If we make eye contact, how shall we do this ?

 Shall we sit or we stand ?

 If we sit , will it be near to/ a distance from students

 If you sit how will you use your hands and leg

That is to say, a teacher's behaviour will be in such which must enchant the students for effective and efficient teaching.

In delivering lecture, there are limitations, which may create hindrance to learning on the part of the students. Sometimes the lecture may be monotonous and boring due to continuous saying. If there exists dryness amongst the students, the teacher should change the policy of his lecture. He should ask open-ended questions. Open ended questions help get people involved. Assuming to know a particular thing, one may get interested if he is intended to know those particular items. Some of the limitations of delivering a lecture are as follows :

 To ask question for 'Yes'/ No answer.

 Not to ask open ended question to get people involved.

 To use agitated words

 Not to say repeatedly while delivering lecture

 Not to ask meaningful questions

 To ask several question at a time

 Not to give feedback on answers yourself, or involve others

 Not to give people a chance to absorb the question and answer it.

 Not to welcome answers

 To be critical in answering and asking questions.

An ideal teacher needs to be well conversant about using the language. It is indispensable to create awareness and congenial atmosphere on the part of a teacher. The following are the different ways to improve lecture.

 To manage intersperse lecture with opportunities to challenge and discuss what is being delivered.

 To break the students into groups for exercises which develop lecture themes and need to be reported back and analysed.

 To use case studies, which challenge students to apply the teaching, they are being given.

 To use Video record teaching sessions and analyse progress and results.

 To use role plays to demonstrate examples of what is said in lectures.

 To split into teams which analyse the days lecture theme and give a resume of it on same / next day.

 To be prepared to facilitate and contribute to discussions and help groups prepare feedback.

 To develop feedback techniques on what a teacher observes groups doing.

In order to develop lecture, group discussion is a vital thing. As a teacher, we have to ensure that group performance is effective.

The End

Article Source:

About the Author:
(b) Recap : It is generally meant by recap to go over again the vital point of the relevant contents. Using FULLE-R and VHF for better memorization can do the recap. As the first events are best memorized so to start with big message. Thereafter unusual event like cartoon, exercise etc. be used. Thirdly, linked event, here mnemonics or analogy can be used and lastly to end with big messages of fascination towards the topics. In this context, summing up the ideas to arrive the conclusion that is the gist in question to be communicated to the students as a good communicator of the teaching course. We should remember one thing that ' Telling is not teaching; we need to make teaching active and interesting; get students involved; see it from the student's view; we should use VHF and FULL-R. According to Commoneus, a famous educationist, for an effective teaching, 'only lecture is immaterial but in order to ornament it for better memorization, ideal approach, demonstration, visual display and varieties of attractions of the students are needed'

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Small Home Base Business Opportunity As A Writer

Author: David Ogden

If you enjoy being on the computer you might consider an opportunity to make money by becoming a writer. There are many different ways to go about this, but as long as you possess some writing skills there is definitely money to be made. In this article, let's talk about a small home based business opportunity that being a writer offers.

First of all there are many different ways you can make money as a writer. You can write for yourself and sell products on a blog of your own. You can also make money writing for other people and selling your articles to them as content for their website or blog.

Publishing an ezine, which is an email newsletter, has been one way that people have been making money as a writer for several years now. If you enjoy writing about a specific topic you can build your own mailing list and then publish a regular newsletter with tips and opportunities within that niche.

Over a period of time you will develop a very loyal reader base that look forward to what you have to say. You can make money by selling products to your subscriber base, and you can also sell advertising in the ezine itself.

You are really only limited by your creativity in getting your ezine up and running and profitable.

Some people would prefer writing for others and making money doing that. Today there is a huge opportunity in front of you as a writer writing website and blog articles.

There are many blogs that are sitting dormant and do not have content and need articles for them. There are also many webmasters who are looking to hire people to write articles they can use to market their business.

Another excellent small home based business opportunity as a writer is to create your own blog. If you have a certain topic that interests you, you can make money writing about it.

Starting a blog and then adding products to it is not as hard as it sounds. For example WordPress and both offer free blogs that you can start and see if it is something you enjoy. If it is then you can switch those over and began hosting them yourself, which gives you ultimate control.

As you can see writing does give an excellent opportunity for people to start their own small home based business. It's just a matter of determining how you want to go about it and then putting an action plan in place.

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About the Author:
Want to make money online now? Sign up for our FREE Internet Business Training Program and start receiving all the home business training, resources, tools and advice you need to become a successful work at home professional!
Copyright: David Ogden

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Get an Adsense Website And Make Money Now!

Author: Joe Borges

You need an Adsense website now! Google's Adsense program is the most well-known Internet Marketing program today. There are many ebooks and internet marketers out there with an Adsense website , but there are also lots of scams; people who claim to know how to make money using Google Adsense, but who never provide any proof. Some Internet Marketers do make lots of money using with their adsense websites. The Majority of these are Entrepreneurs who run their own businesses from home.
Below are the main points to know about Google Adsense.
What Google Adsense is:

An advertising program that can make money for you thorough advertising on your adsense website.
Text ads are placed on your adsense website using a code supplied to you by Google.
You receive payment by Google every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site.

Google also has a feature allowing you to put a Google search box on your adsense website. When someone uses this box to search the web, ads are also displayed on the search results pages. Google will pay you for clicks on these ads as well.
How To Get Started With Google Adsense
Google has to accept you into the Google Adsense program. You apply by completing an application at this website: If Google approves your application, the Google Adsense Program will send you an HTML code. You will need to copy and paste this code into your adsense website pages - it is this code that places the ads onto your website. It costs you nothing to join.
Can I participate in Google's Adsense Program?
Google's Adsense Program is open to anyone with a web presence, with the following exceptions:

Hate Sites
Adult Sites (porn)

You must also read and agree to follow Google Adsense terms of service. If you violate any of the rules, you can be kicked out of the program. Because the Adsense program is so large and far-reaching, you don't want this to happen, particularly if you have more than one website with Adsense ads displayed on them. Google's Adsense program is available worldwide, in all languages. This makes it possible for Internet Entrepreneurs from all over the globe to participate.
Should I participate in the Adsense Program?
You should participate if for no other reason than it is free. However, there are other, better reasons to consider joining the program and developing an adsense website:

You can make money online at home
The program is virtually maintenance-free, once you install the HTML code onto your adsense website pages.
You get paid when your Adsense account reaches $100
You can monitor your Google Adsense account on the Internet at any time

The one caveat to remember is that the possibility exists that Adsense ads could take business away from you site. This is why you have to place the Adsense code strategically on your site.
Adsense Ad Placement
There are several locations on your adsense website that have been proven, over time, to lead to more clicks (and we know that more clicks=$$$!). Below is tried and true advice on where to place Adsense Ads on your site:

Place them near the upper left of the page. This location is where your visitors look first.
Place Adsense ads near useful content, since your visitors will probably be reading there
Integrate Adsense ads into the middle of content on your adsense website.

Also, you should make sure that the Adsense ads don't stand out in any way, shape or form. The ads should blend in to your adsense website as much as possible.
There are other techniques for implementing the Google Adsense program on your website to ensure maximum income. These are advanced techniques and should be considered once you have a grasp on the basics and have started making money using the program. In a nutshell, Google's Adsense Program can earn you a substantial income when used properly.

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About the Author:
Joe Borges makes it easy for you to make real money online with Google Adsense. Get tips and strategies to make your Google Adsense program succed by visiting his adsense website now!

Novice Affiliate Marketing - Learn How to Make Money Fast

Author: Michael Goudelock

There are so many Internet marketing schemes out there; but so far, affiliate marketing is cornering a large share of the market. This is an especially unexpected boon to novice entrepreneurs who are trying to do well with such type of marketing on its most basic level. Affiliation does have its benefits. For one thing, this is the only type of Internet marketing scheme that allows the affiliate to make a so-called direct contact with the intended market.

Herein lies the very strength of affiliate marketing: the power to reach a personalized message across to countless, nameless, limitless potential customers via virtual communication. How is this possible? The answer is quite simple: the affiliate creates a personal endorsement or testimony regarding the product or service he or she is marketing. And this personal note is actually what makes affiliate marketing more appealing to the general public. It gives the product or service that special touch that implies whatever properties you want it to have: efficiency, practicality, usability, etc.

If you are a novice affiliate marketer, your first step to making a lot of money (and fast) is to make your materials sell, sell and sell. In other words, to reap immediate benefits of your work, you need to market, market and market some more. Now, this is actually more difficult as it sounds. Not only do you have to contend with numerous other marketing schemes in the World Wide Web, but you also have to remember that the virtual world is a mine field of information. Your marketing efforts may be lost among all other articles that are supposed to do the same thing.

So how do you make your marketing articles more profitable as compared to the others?

Right off the bat, you need to find scores of web blogs and ezine directories where you could submit your marketing articles - after enrolling in affiliate programs, of course. Subscribing to the most popular sites like , hubpages, squidoo, and wordpress is your best option, but never take a discounted look at the lesser know submission sites. Your goal is not to overwhelm a few web blog sites with numerous entries, but rather to corner an Internet marketing niche.

When we say cornering a niche, it means that whenever an Internet surfer researches a particular topic (i.e. international hotel accommodations, because you have an affiliate partner who provides such services) most of the topics that keep surfacing on his or her search engine results page are under your name. This topic has a wide range of viable subjects, which gives you liberty to write about traveling, staying in a certain country or continent, finding hotel accommodations online, etc.

The wider the variety of subjects you write about, the more it will impress upon your readers that you know your "stuff." So, the equation goes: the more articles you write, the more web blog sites you submit them to, the more readers you can reach. And in so doing, your efforts in affiliate marketing also reach not only a greater volume of Internet surfers, but are also directed at a wider variety of potential customers.

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About the Author:
Tired of not making any money online? Better Lifetimes can show you how to make a full time income online using the best Novice Affiliate Marketing techniques! Visit today to receive your free quick start guide to internet riches!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Should Educators Teach Vocabulary to Advanced Language Learners?

Author: Benedict Smythe

Advanced learners of languages generally communicate well using the basic structures of a foreign language. Although this is the case, there is still the obvious need to widen these learners' vocabularies so that they are better able to express themselves and they can cope with other situations that are beyond the basic scenarios.

Even though the student might already be able to speak to like a local, there is certainty that his vocabulary is limited and this is where the educator or trainer should be focused. Along with being able to learn a new language, it is much more important to be able to understand how words are used and to account for factors such as formality and writing styles.

Vocabulary Expansion

Traditionally, those who have opted to learn a second (third or even fourth) language were taught with limited vocabulary-ones that can be used in day-to-day conversation or reading. It was presumed that those who mastered a foreign language would be able to learn the other vocabularies once they indulge into much speaking.

Sadly, this is not the case as vocabulary can only be properly learned and expanded if it is taught as a part of a syllabus. Some authors even argue that vocabulary should be the central part of learning any language.

Nowadays, vocabulary teaching is very much a part of any foreign language course. In teaching vocabulary, there are several aspects of lexis that need to be considered such as:

• Conceptual meaning boundaries-this means pointing out what lexis refers to and where the boundaries are set. For instance, related meaning of words should be separated (for example-mug, cup, or bowl).

• Homonymy-knowing the different meanings of one word such as files which can be used to define putting papers together or a tool.

• Polysemy-how to tell apart the various meanings of a single word such as the word head which could mean the head of a pin; the head of a person; or the head of a group.

• Synonymy-telling apart the different shades of meaning in synonyms such as extend, expand or increase.

• Homophyny-knowing the meaning of words that sound similar such as flour and flower.

• Translation-knowing the similarities and varieties between foreign and native languages.

• Chunks of language-such as idiomatic expressions, lexical phrases, or collocations.

• Grammar of vocabulary-learning the principles behind building words out of a single word such as play, played, and playing.

• Pronunciation of foreign words-the ability to recognize and to reproduce the items while speaking.

Meaning of Words

One of the most important aspects of learning languages is to understand the meaning or meanings of words. Guided discovery means offering examples or asking questions that would guide the learners to the correct meaning of the foreign word. Permanent learning or language retention is necessary and can only be achieved through semantic processing.

Knowing how words are formed (such as the use of prefixes or suffixes) can guide a language learner to discover the meaning of many words. There are many techniques and practical approaches to contextual guesswork such as learning the use of verbs, nouns and adjectives in sentences. Dictionaries play an essential role on the identification of a foreign word's functions in a sentence.
It is important to set apart students who already know the basics of a foreign language. The materials, tasks and approaches should be at a higher level and teachers play a great role in motivating language learners towards fluency or perfection.

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About the Author:
The language machine offers a wide variety of language courses including Spanish, German, Italian and French Lessons London .

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Guide to Scholarship Applications

Author: Andri Irawan

Scholarship applications can be extremely complex and confusing. Not only does every different scholarship body want something different, but none of them seem to set the deadline dates for the same week, which no doubt would confuse you even more! When you are applying for college, it can seem like you are going round in an endless circle, trying to finish tasks that you have already started but seemingly getting nowhere. It can be a chore just to finish one application to a college, let alone fill in several for scholarships as well. However, help is at hand and you can make life easier for yourself with these basic tips: Read every application carefully. Every scholarship requires something different because no two are the same, so you cannot just fill out one for them all and hope that you will get a measure of success. It does not work like that. There will always be something different expected of you, whether there is a word limit on your personal statement or fewer letters of is recommendation. If you do not read it and comply with the guidelines then you application will be discarded straight away. Prepare in advance. Before you even begin to research scholarships in depth, you should practice your personal statement. Style is extremely important so you should write it out the summer before you plan to apply to ensure that get it completely right. If a personal statement reflects you then it is perfect for your applications. Keep the copy of the draft you wrote and then use that as a foundation on which to build your actually personal statements when it comes to applying for real. Work with the space you have. Try not to use continuation sheets on scholarship applications because the likelihood is then that representatives or assessors will get bored half way through. Try to keep all of the information to a minimum but include as many activities as you can in your list. You could even add a few into your personal statement if you run out of space. However, if you do not have enough space then leave out the ones that are not important, and plan this out in advance because there is nothing worse that Tipp-ex marks on an application. Look at what they want. You should always look at what the provider of the scholarship is asking or and give them what they want. Never ever lie on an application form but tailor your own personality traits to your advantage. If they are looking for someone with character then communicate that in your writing style. If they are looking for integrity then mention an example of it. Always back up what you have to say by just tailor what you know about yourself to what they are looking for in you! Always give your reasons why you want to study a certain subject. Many individuals fall down at this step because they do not justify their reasons for wanting to take a certain subject. There must be a reason behind your choice but failing to communicate it or failing to put your reasons across in a logical and well-reasoned way can ultimately ensure that you fall at the last hurdle! Read it through. Never send an application form for a scholarship without reading it trough first. Make sure that you have said everything that you want to say and in a clear and concise but logical way so it is easy to read. If it passes your critical eye then I should pass theirs!
Simple and General Blog

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I am a Nice Guy

Strategies To Help You And Your Child Survive Homework
by: Linda Bress Silbert, Ph.D. And Alvin J. Silbert, Ed.D.

Is homework wreaking havoc in your home? If the answer is YES, then finding the real causes behind the homework problems, and taking steps to resolve them, will improve both school success and family harmony.

How do we know? Homework is the single biggest issue affecting home life, according to many of the parents who bring their children to us at STRONG Learning Centers®.

Here are the ten most common causes of homework problems, along with suggestions to help you resolve them.


If the homework is continuously too difficult, with everything that entails, then a child will try to avoid it. Look into the cause. Begin by having a conversation with the teacher. If the problem is class-wide, hopefully the teacher will evaluate and adjust the nature of his or her homework assignments. If the problem is limited to your child, she may require additional help from the teacher after school, from you, from a sibling, from a teenager you hire, or from a tutor. If this fails to resolve the issue, then a reevaluation of the type of class, or course level, or teaching vs. learning style, or school may be in order.

On the other hand, the cause of the problem may be a disability: physical, learning and/or attentional. Your child may have difficulty in such areas as: hearing, seeing, reading, processing language, or writing, or she may have ADD or ADHD. If the problem is one of these, sometimes it is easy to resolve. For example, corrective glasses can easily resolve some seeing issues and behavioral therapy and/or possibly medication might help AD/HD, the newer term for the disorder. In many cases, consulting teachers, counselors, or specialists in the appropriate field, might be in order.

Note: If you suspect AD/HD, a valuable resource is CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder organization). For information on the learning disability (LD) issue in general, contact the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA).


When children chronically complain that assignments or directions are confusing, they are likely to become frustrated and/or anxious, eventually avoiding such assignments. Parents usually respond to these children by asking, "Weren't you listening?" Or "Just read the directions!" The children were listening or reading, but they may not have been able to process the information.

In this case, the cause may be reading comprehension and/or language processing problems. You may need to seek the help of teachers or a learning specialist to help your child learn strategies she can use to overcome or compensate for her disability. For example, she may need to put the words into pictures or graphic organizers. Children who become confused due to problems with language processing, do better when they can see things visually.

And, regardless of who is working with them, be sure they remain actively involved. Children (and adults too) are notorious for shaking their heads "yes" when asked "Do you understand?" even when they don't understand. Sometimes they are just yessing you and sometimes they think they understand. However, when you ask them to explain or discuss what you were just talking about, they realize that they really don’t understand.

If neither of these areas are the cause of the problem, then you may need to investigate why your child continues to complain. If it turns out it is simply a ploy to get you to do the work with him, then you need to address the reason for that behavior. But wait – before you get annoyed, remember what it was like for you when you were a child. Homework isn't always fun, and sometimes it's nice to have a little company. Your child may simply want your company during homework time. Wow! How's that for the ultimate compliment?


Sometimes homework assignments are low-quality boring busywork and children will avoid them simply because they don't want to do them. Unfortunately, one of life's little lessons that children need to learn is that sometimes we simply have to do boring things. If, however, every assignment appears to be dull, too easy, or too low-quality, you may need to talk to your child's teacher to determine the purpose of the assignments. Many teachers do not realize how some of the assignments are coming across to the children; chances are they will appreciate the feedback and adjust the work as appropriate.


He brings home the book and forgets the assignment. He brings home the assignment and forgets the book. Or he forgets the assignment and the book. Does this sound familiar? If so, it sounds like you've got yourself a disorganized child. The same is true for children who can’t judge time or can't manage their time. They may have the best intentions to get the homework done, but somehow it gets lost in their time-maze.

It is so difficult for disorganized children to get their homework done that some of them would rather lie, insisting that there is no homework, than be criticized and punished. If poor organizational skills seems to be the issue, there are many books and articles that offer great strategies to help the disorganized child. See, for example, pp 123-127 in Why Bad Grades Happen to Good Kids.


It's a fact; homework cuts into playtime. So what's the problem? The problem is that in some cases homework time creeps up to the point of consuming the home lives of the children and sometimes that of the family as well. Besides the obvious down side, this may be harmful to children's intellectual development. Their brains are developing and they need to use all parts, and good quality play provides opportunities to use the "far corners" of the brain that might otherwise remain fallow. So, it turns out that children need to play. Surprisingly, brain research indicates that occasional boredom is good, too, as it forces children to think of things to do — that is, to use their brains to create.

So if homework time seems to have taken over your home, work out a schedule with your child so that he doesn't have to lie in order to play.


Some parents are overly involved in their child's homework. Here are the three most common types, all of whom tend to drive their children toward lying and deception. If any of these describe you, then work to change your behavior.

A. The "perfectionist parents." Perfectionists demand picture-perfect-homework. Their children hate to let them see their homework papers out of fear that they will judge the work unworthy, tear it up, and make them do it again. Besides being tedious and time demanding, in these extreme cases it is downright disrespectful of the child.

B. The "helicopter parents." These parents hover over their children, making sure that every "t" is crossed and every "i" is dotted. They think they're being helpful, but here's the problem: By not giving their children any breathing room, they are delivering the tacit message that their children are not capable of doing the work themselves. Not only does this harm their self-esteem, but it also denies them the opportunity of taking responsibility for their own work.

C. The "Pandora parents." The children of Pandora parents tend to deny the existence of any homework they don't understand because asking Mom or Dad even the simplest question is tantamount to opening Pandora's box. Their well-meaning parents can't contain their enthusiasm and turn what would ordinary require a short answer into a long-winded treatise on some esoteric detail.


Most children don't want to do homework. But while they may put up quite a fuss, somehow they manage to get the work done. If they don't, motivation may not be the problem; they may appear unmotivated, but this may be a convincing protective screen they've set up to mask a larger issue.

For example, many children appear unmotivated when in fact they avoid homework to protect their egos. How's that? Because these children erroneously equate failure with stupidity. Their logic is as follows: If they try and fail, it is a reflection of their intelligence. If they don't try and fail, it is not a reflection of their intelligence; it is due to lack of motivation or irresponsibility. These labels they can live with; the label "stupid," they can't!


Many kids simply cannot keep up with the projects, tests, quizzes, reading and other assignments they are given.

Here is a general guide for the typical amount of time children should be expected to spend on homework each school day. Grades K-2, about 10-20 minutes. Grades 3-6, about 30-60 minutes. Grades 7-12 will vary considerably, depending on subjects, projects due, tests, etc., but a reasonable average is about two hours, with more on weekends, as needed, for major projects and exams.

If your child spends considerably more than this on homework, look into the cause. Begin by having a conversation with the teacher. If the problem is class-wide, hopefully the teacher will make adjustments. If the problem is limited to your child because your child works slowly, or has other issues discussed in this section, talk to his teacher and see what can be done to modify his assignments.


Many kids complain that they can't concentrate at home. Their siblings are running around, TVs and music systems are blaring, someone's on the phone, people are fighting, the dog is barking, the baby is crying. I don't know about you, but I need quiet to do work that requires thinking. Closed bedroom doors don't help much, as the muffled sounds of chaos always manage to get through.

Here is an idealistic solution. Even if it can't be carried out fully, at least it is something to aim for. As a family, consider designating a block of time as quiet time. Normal living continues, but more quietly than usual. Kids can use the time to do homework; parents can read, balance the checkbook, and write e-mails; those who have time to watch television can do so with headphones or the sound turned low. Sometimes quiet sounds pretty good, doesn't it?


Some children are lonely when required to do homework in their rooms, and don't work efficiently in that setting. Some need continuous support and direction. That is, they need someone to help them stay on task or to provide a little assistance when they get stuck. If required to work alone in their rooms, these are the kids who emerge three hours later with little or nothing accomplished. Both groups of children tend to prefer doing homework on the kitchen table. This way they have people around them, either for support or company.

So, if homework causes chaos in your home, look into the reasons. Once you find them, and do what you need to resolve the problems, you'll be back on the road to school success and family harmony.

(Originally published at the Strong Learning website and reprinted with permission of the authors, Linda Bress Silbert, Ph.D. and Alvin J. Silbert, Ed.D.)

About The Author

Linda Bress Silbert, Ph.D. and Alvin J. Silbert, Ed.D. are the founders/directors of STRONG Learning Centers in New York. They've written over 40 books and developed 20 phonics games for children of all ages. To learn more about the Silberts and the STRONG Method, visit their website To subscribe to their free e-zine, send a blank email to:

Saturday, March 8, 2008


As a teacher, you gain only a few salary, but you have a lot of spare times. It's actually the hidden gold : spare time. have you used your spare time to find out what the hidden gold is? Not many use it, and not many know how to use it effectively and efficiently. You have to find out the hidden gold soon if you want to be a prosper teacher. But how?
It's easy. Let me tell you the steps:
1. Be A Quality Teacher
Increase your knowledge and skiil to be the quality teacher. I think, as a quality teacher, gold will reach you as soon as possible. It's up to you!
2. Be Writer
Spend your spare times to write something you like and know. If you want to be a professional writer, you can learn how to write and publish your ideas become a book. If you want to know how to write and publish a book, just click there is e-book written in Bahasa Indonesia.
3. Create Your Blog
It's a good place for you to practice your writing skill and earn money if you submit your blog to a google adsense. The important thing that you have to write your blog in English. If your blog is approved to be a member of google adsense, you can earn much money from your blog. For further information about google adsense, just click
4. Browse The Internet
There are many resources to earn money easily. Join the affiliate program such
5. Be An Entrepreneur
Use your handphone to sell electronic voucher such simpati, mentari, esia, xl, etc. If you want to get more information just click

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Teaching is not only to transfer knowledge to the students but also to educate them to be able to be smart and skill human in order to survive in a tough life. So, to be a prosper teacher we must upgrade our knowledge and enrich our teaching methods. Teaching needs not only a lot of knowledge but also special skills. We must have special skills such as:
Good communication skills
Good methodological skills
Good a sense of humour
Good behaviour
Behave not only a teacher but also parents or even a friend
Several of our friends may say that this upgrading knowledge and enriching teaching methods needs a lot of money. Where we get the money? A teacher gets only a little salary which they say that it is only for a week consuming. It is not enough for month. It is only for food. How can we upgrade our knowledge and enrich our teaching methods?
Take it easy!
There are so many ways that we can do to be the quality teacher and it is cheap! It is a time of information! It is a time of internet! Internet has gone to schools! We can find much information about upgrading knowledge and enriching teaching methods.
First, Just browse the internet and pay for a little, we can get a lot of information we need.
Second, share with friends who teach the same subject about many things related to the knowledge and teaching methods.
Third, attend the free seminars about teaching and education at all.
Keep on a quality and be prosper teacher!


As a teacher, you have enough spare times. You can use your spare time to increase your knowledge or skill and get a new income. To be a prosper teacher, you can be a writer. You can write books, articles, short stories, novels, etc. M. Hasyim Ashari in his book “ Siapa Bilang Jadi Guru Hidupnya Susah?’ states that one of using spare time with the productive activities is writing.

If your writings are published as a book or an article in mass media, you will get a payment. If your books are best seller’s book, you will get a royalty as passive income.

Almost all famous writers agree to write that all people have a talent to write. So, there is no reason that you cannot write. The important thing is that you have to have a strong intention in getting an extra income as a writer. The extra income which you earn as a writer may be more than your main profession as a teacher.

Use your spare time to write! Start writing whatever you like to write! According to M. Hasyim in his book there are 4 tips for teachers who start their career as writer:
Grow up your motivation to become writer.
Read more
Do more research
Bring a note

If you have difficulties to start writing, you can read many books about writing and how to be writer. There are many books about writing written and published as well you can browse the internet.

Monday, February 25, 2008


PHK masal tahun 2001 karena mendirikan serikat pekerja menjadikan saya sebagai seorang guru. Profesi guru merupakan profesi yang saya hindari ketika saya lulus dari IKIP. Alasannya klise: Gaji guru kecil!
Ternyata benar! Gaji guru memang kecil! Saya merasakan sendiri ketika menerima honor pertama sebagai guru. Mau bilang apa? Ini adalah pekerjaan saya. Ini adalah profesi baru saya: Guru! Saya harus tetap menjalaninya, walaupun dapur hanya ngebul selama 1 minggu.
Sekarang, guru adalah profesi. Sebagai sebuah profesi, guru mempunyai payung hukum berupa UU Guru dan Dosen yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban seorang guru. Walupun peraturan pemerintahnya belum keluar, niat baik pemerintah untuk membuat guru sejahtera harus dihargai.
Bagi guru berstatus PNS yang bekerja di daerah ber-APBD besar dan tingkat kepedulian terhadap pendidikan tinggi, mungkin sudah dapat menyandang ‘Guru Sejahtera’. Namun, bagi guru non PNS, predikat ‘Guru Sejahtera’ masih jauh dari harapan. Apalagi bagi guru-guru non PNS yang sudah berkeluarga dan punya anak: Hidup terasa sulit!
Tapi hidup harus terus berjalan! Kegiatan belajar mengajar harus terus berlangsung! Dapur harus terus ngebul! Hanya mengandalkan honor sebagai guru non PNS tidak mungkin! Mengandalkan niat baik pemerintah untuk membuat guru sejahtera juga tidak mungkin, karena anggaran yang dimiliki pemerintah terbatas. Lalu bagaimana? Padahal guru pun harus sejahtera seperti profesi-profesi lain.
Namun kita harus menyadari bahwa untuk sejahtera perlu kerja keras. Banyak hal bisa dilakukan untuk menjadi guru yang sejahtera tanpa mengorbankan profesionalisme sebagai guru. Hal mendasar yang harus dilakukan adalah meningkatkan kualitas sebagai guru baik dari sisi keilmuan maupun metode mengajar. Untuk meningkatkan kedua hal tersebut banyak cara murah dan sederhana yang dapat kita lakukan, yaitu:
Banyak membaca baik buku maupun Koran/majalah (jangan ditanya lagi: uang darimana untuk membeli buku/Koran/majalah). Saya pernah mengikuti seminar 1 hari, trainernya memberitahu cara membaca buku tanpa harus membeli buku. Bagaimana caranya? Gampang! Banyak-banyaklah bergaul dengan orang pintar dan mengobrollah tentang banyak hal, ambil ilmunya. Tanpa disadari kita sudah membaca buku tanpa harus membeli buku.
1. Browsing internet, banyak ilmu yang bisa kita ambil dari browsing internet. Caranyapun mudah dan murah.
2. Sharing dengan teman sejawat tentang banyak hal yang berkaitan dengan bidang keilmuan dan metode mengajar. Manfaatkan komunitas guru, seperti MGMP, untuk hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan bidang keilmuan dan metode mengajar.
Bila punya cukup uang, ikuti pelatihan-pelatihan dan seminar-seminar, terutama yang berkaitan dengan bidang keilmuan dan metode mengajar.
Dengan menjadi guru yang berkualitas berarti kita memiliki banyak potensi. Dan potensi tersebut dapat dijadikan tabungan untuk dituai di kemudian hari. Banyak tabungan berarti sejahtera. Potensi tersebut dapat kita kembangkan dengan menjadi:
1. Penulis buku
2. Penulis artikel di media massa
Sebagai guru, kita mempunyai cukup waktu (apabila tidak mengajar di banyak tempat) untuk menulis buku dan artikel di media massa. Honor yang diperoleh dari hasil membuat tulisan lumayan untuk menambah penghasilan. Apalagi kalau buku yang kita tulis menjadi buku yang best seller.
3. Tentor di lembaga bimbingan belajar
4. Guru privat
Apabila tidak menganggu tugas utama sebagai guru di sekolah, kita dapat menambah penghasilan dengan menjadi tentor di lembaga bimbingan belajar dan guru privat ke rumah-rumah. Kedua pekerjaan tersebut menghasilkan penghasilan tambahan yang lumayan.
Menurut M. Hasyim Ashari dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Siapa Bilang Jadi Guru Hidupnya Susah”, ada 3 golongan guru yang bias hidup enak, yaitu:
1. Guru yang kreatif memanfaatkan potensi diri
2. Guru yang kreatif mengelola waktu luang
3. Guru yang berani berwirausaha.
Jadi jangan takut untuk tidak sejahtera, kalau kita adalah guru yang berkualitas. Asalkan punya keinginan untuk terus belajar dan bekerja keras pasti menjadi guru yang sejahtera. Yang penting segala usaha yang dilakukan untuk sejahtera tidak menganggu tugas utama sebagai guru di sekolah. Selamat meningkatkan kualitas dan semoga sejahtera!